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Comparison Of Democracy Vs. Communism

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The image of a true American is one that was born many centuries ago. Americans fought for their land, fought for their freedom and fought for the rights of free men. This has been the theme throughout American history, the theme of freedom for all. Freedom has always come at a cost and also from the opinions of many different perspectives. After the unity of America for WWII, the true underbelly of many American opinions and what it was to be a true American were revealed. Was the identity of a true American liberal or conservative? Were they from the suburbs and farm lands or urban? Were they a rebel or did they conform to the government and social norms? Were they stay at home mothers or did they leave home to join the workforce with men? …show more content…
and the S.U. The two major beliefs of each of these countries clashed immensely, Democracy vs. Communism. This effected the home front of the U.S. greatly in many ways, one of which was an increased spending and growth of the federal government. The Cold War became almost a competition for the U.S. to show its strengths and power, it had to “one-up” the S.U. where ever it could. National Security began to consume a big part of the nation’s resources. In 1947, Congress passed the National Security Act. This created the Secretary of Defense as well as the Department of Defense. The CIA became a major role the new security act and the advising of the President on U.S. foreign policy. By the end of Truman’s presidency 10 percent of the national gross product were defense allocations. All of this was justified by the argument that these expenditures for the military programs and defense employed hundreds of thousands of American, backed big American businesses and helped with economic …show more content…
The Red Scare (1947-1954) came about when people began to think with all of the governments up grading and beefing up of defense, that communism could very well seep into their society and that it was a legitimate threat. This is when the opinion became that to be a true American, you had to conform. An idea of the True American Norm was created and if you didn’t fit into that mold you were most likely a communist. The House of Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) that was formed toward the end of WWII now focused its attention to Communists rather than Nazi’s. They fueled the scare by going after Hollywood thinking that movies were being produced by communists and or communist sympathizers and these movies were going to taint the American people. McCarthyism came about to take the red scare to new heights. Republican senator Joseph R. McCarthy created a huge conspiracy by saying he had a “big list” of communists within the state departments. He fueled the idea that communist could be anywhere, in your work department, your social clubs, even your very own neighbor. It was a witch hunt, many names were tarnished in the government, in Hollywood, and in average everyday American

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