Premium Essay

Comparison Of Howl's Flying Town, And Roy Nachum Unknown

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Pages 5
My theme is surrealism, but none of my artworks are really directly related. I looked into mixing surrealism with expressionism because I like both styles, but they don’t really mix so I went with surrealism. After long deliberation I finally decided on surrealism, once I did it was hard to find works that were not only visually striking to me, but also correlated. So I choose these works mostly based on my liking of them. My chosen works and artists are Salvador Dali Woman with a Head of Roses, Jacek Yerka Flying Town, and Roy Nachum Unknown.

When looking at Jacek Yerka’s Flying Town my immediate thought is Howl’s moving castle. Obviously, this is an entire town not just a castle, but the resemblance is uncanny. The most visually striking part of the painting is that the town goes from nice and bright to dark and decaying. The only real subject in this work is the town as …show more content…
This piece doesn’t really flow with my other two, but I enjoyed it too much not to incorporate it. It’s still surrealism, but it doesn’t have the almost whimsical feel the other two have. My main reason for choosing this piece was because the faces are only profile silhouettes, I’ve always enjoyed things like that. It’s almost like an illusion, but it’s not. There is no trying to hide the faces, but they’re not really a bold statement either. The subject of this work is cigarettes or just smoking in general. I would say it’s endorsing smoking, but if it’s not it’s quite the bad job at doing so. The faces are arranged so perfectly, there are the three larger faces connecting to the three cigarettes on the ash tray who also have a cigarette in their mouths. Then there are the four smaller faces starting at the smoking coming from the cigarettes coming out of the large faces. There’s definitely some sort of movement as the faces are portrayed as the smoking moving upward from the cigarettes making their lines form

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