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Constant Change


Submitted By kcirtapavein
Words 345
Pages 2
“Constant Change” In a world where nothing is constant except change, we are also faced by a dreading fact that as years goes by, our climate is also changing. The way people way people lived today has drastically changed from the way our forefathers lived thousand years ago. The Climate Change or Global Warming has been an issue for so long, but do we really care about our dying world? In the past years, scientific evidence for the warming of the climate system has been tracked down and is very unequivocal. According to National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), these are the signs that we are in a state of a climate change: The sea level rise – global sea level rose about 17 centimeters (6.7 inches) in the last century. Global temperature rise – all three major global surface temperature reconstructions show that Earth has warmed since 1880. Warming Oceans – the oceans have absorbed much of this increased heat, with the top 700 meters (about 2,300 feet) of ocean showing warming of 0.302 degrees Fahrenheit since 1969. Shrinking ice sheets – the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets have decreased in mass. Declining Arctic sea ice – both the extent and thickness of Arctic sea ice has declined rapidly over the last several decades. Glacial retreat – glaciers are retreating almost everywhere around the world – including in the Alps, Himalayas, Andes, Rockies, Alaska and Africa. Ocean acidification – since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, the acidity of surface ocean waters has increased by about 30 percent. And of course the occurring of extreme events, 2 years ago, our country was hit by a strongest typhoon to be made in the history; Typhoon Yolanda with an international name Typhoon Haiyan. Those were devastating moments as Filipinos; it took a way thousands of lives, homes, businesses, and totally everything. Now, we are experiencing El Niño,

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Advertising Marketing and Communication

...Question 6: Why might we normally expect (in a market with no market functional differences between the brands) that the duplications down each column are approximately the same? Table 3 shows average duplication of each brand, duplication coefficient, expected duplication and the difference of expected duplication and average duplication. In a market, it is expected the duplications across each brands are approximately the same due to constant duplication coefficient. Expected duplication is the value of penetration of each brand multiply by the duplication coefficient of overall market. For example, expected duplication for Kettle Fries is 37%, 33% for BB Corn Chips and 28% for BB Twisties. The average duplication for Kettle Fries is 37%, 33% for BB Corn Chips and 30% for BB Twisties. This proved that the expected duplication is most likely to be the same as average duplication for each brand. Marketers used expected duplication to forecast the average duplication pattern of a product. However, BB Standard is a special case. The expected duplication is not consistent as compare to other brands. The expected duplication of BB Standard is 112%. This might be involvement of partitioning on the brand. Partitioning means clustering of brands compete more intensely with others (Dawes 2006). This is supported by Winchester, Thiel, Arding and Lees (n.d.), “the Duplication of Purchase Law states that the competitive brands which consumers purchase will be similar in the aggregate...

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...EFFECT OF COUNTRY OF ORIGIN ON BRAND EQUITY OF CARS IN INDIA: A STUDY Faculty Guide: Prof. Sandeep Puri Authors: Chandana Mandal, Mohit Jain, Ambika Paliwal, Rohit Iyer, Sahil Gupta INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT TECHNOLOGY, GHAZIABAD ABSTRACT Marketers and consumer behaviour researchers generally accept that a product’s or brand’s country-of-origin is an important influencing factor in consumer decision-making. Most of the previous studies suggest that country-of- origin information which is indicated by the “Made in ...” label which serves several purposes in consumer decision-making. It acts as a salient attribute in consumer product evaluation. That is, the image that consumers have about a certain country will influence their perceptions of products from that country. Since consumers’ perception of a particular country-of-origin influences their evaluation of products from that country, this will influence their preference, purchase intention and choice of a particular brand and hence has implications on the brand’s equity. In this study the effects of brand’s country-of-origin image on the formation of brand equity in two clusters i.e India and foreign market(African and French market) is studied. Here a high involvement category of Cars has been selected. Introduction In the arena of global marketing, building strong brands has become a top priority for marketers. Beyond, the marketing mix variables (advertising, distribution, price and product quality), the consumer’s...

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