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Constitution and Systems of the State Paper


Submitted By jmj51508
Words 948
Pages 4
Constitution and Systems of the State Paper 2Texas Constitution vs. U.S. Constitution the Constitution was created by the founding fathers for two purposes. The Constitution is to establish a federal government for the United States and to delegate limited powers to the federal government. Serving as basic principles of government for the nation, the Constitution implies laws, customs and institutions within one single document. The U.S. Constitution was completed on September 17, 1789 (University of Texas Austin, 2009). A simple way to describe the Constitution is to recognize it as the states being the boss of the federal government. Just as manager is hired to oversee and ensure that the rules and regulations of a company or business are followed, the responsibility of the Constitution is the same. Many states have individual Constitutions that mirror the U.S. Constitution. The Texas Constitution is very similar to that of the United States by establishing the basic laws under that of which its citizens are administered. The Constitution used today was first adopted in 1876. The Constitution has been amended 439 times and consists of 17 amendments. A closer view of the Texas Constitution reveals the main articles of the state. In additional, the relationship between the U.S. Constitution and the state of Texas Constitution is compared. Next is an analysis of services the judicial, education and social systems provide. Finally, an analysis of the system effectiveness is made along with suggestions for improvements.
Main article: Article X of the Texas Constitution
The main article of the Texas Constitution is Article 10. The article consists of a single section declaring that railroads are considered “public highways” and railroad carriers “common carriers” (Texas Constitution, 1876). Historically, it was farmers, belonging to the Grange, which insisted that

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