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Consumer Attitude Towards Brand Extensions


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Pages 45
Consumer Attitude Towards Brand Extensions: An Integrative Model and Research Propositions

Sandor Czellar1

University of Geneva


University of Geneva, Section HEC, 40, boulevard du Pont-d’Arve, 1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland. 00 41 22 705 8114 (tel), 00 41 22 705 8104 (fax), (email).


Consumer Attitude Towards Brand Extensions: An Integrative Model and Research Propositions

The paper proposes an integrative model of the antecedents and consequences of brand extension attitude based on the dominant cognitive paradigm. The four key processes of the model are: (1) the perception of fit, (2) the formation of primary attitudes towards the extension, (3) the link between extension attitude and marketplace behaviour and (4) the reciprocal effect of brand extension attitude on parent brand/extension category attitude. Moderator and control variables of these processes are identified and classified into three groups: (1) consumer characteristics, (2) marketer-controlled factors and (3) external factors. This integrative model leads to the identification of missing links and variables in past research, resulting in a propositional inventory for future studies. The paper ends with a reflection on the long-term perspectives of scientific inquiry on brand extensions.

Keywords: Brand extensions, Consumer Attitudes, Brand Associations, Brand Affect, Cognitive Psychology



Brand extension is the "use of established brand names to enter new product categories or classes" (Keller & Aaker, 1992, p. 35). The past fifteen years have witnessed the development of an important body of empirical evidence on consumer attitude vis-à-vis brand extensions. Systematic research on consumer behaviour towards brand extension was initiated by two seminal North American studies (Boush et al, 1987; Aaker & Keller, 1990). Since, research on

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