Premium Essay

Contract Administration Plan


Submitted By islandgirlibe
Words 831
Pages 4
Reflections for Week 4
“A contract administration plan helps your business manage a contract successfully and provides a tool for monitoring your company’s performance and adherence to the contract terms,” (Luther, 2012, P. 1). For a contract to be successful, management must read contracts thoroughly and understand the consequences if the terms and conditions are not met and followed. A contract administration plan “establishes systems and processes to ensure that the contractor complies with the terms and conditions during performance of the contract,” (Department of Treasury and Finance, 2001). Most businesses at some point have to sign a contract or several, whether it is for office space or for goods and services.
The organization one classmate works for does subscribe to contract administration plans. An example is the facility going through an expansion. The company is building a new critical care unit as well as a new emergency room unit. This adds an additional 200 rooms to the already 250 rooms that exist. Finalization of the contract occurred at the end of last year after four years of bidding and negotiations. The ground-breaking ceremony for the new project happened at the beginning of the year, and completion should occur early 2014.
A contract is a legally enforceable agreement between two or more people. Contract administration involves those surveillance activities performed by an enterprise's administrative personnel charged with ensuring the performance of the contract fulfillment. Developing a quality contract administration plan is essential to good contract administration. Plans may be complex or simple. In either case, a contract administration plan should focus on major contract outputs and best practice techniques for analyzing a contract's performance. A contract administration plan is a company's roadmap to ensure it gets all it has

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