Premium Essay



Submitted By hulu902
Words 380
Pages 2
Any successful Project Manager must manage the four basic elements of a project at the same time. All the elements mentioned below are interrelated and must fall into place in order for the success of any project.
1) Time
2) Budget
3) Resources (Time and Money)
4) Scope
In the project management world, Project Managers usually use the “triple constraint” of scope/quality, time/schedule, and money/budget to decide (if necessary) what they can ‘sacrifice’ for the completion of the project.

Changing any one of the ‘constraints’ will affect the quality of the project. However the project team and Project Manager have to decide, in case of some issues, what we can sacrifice. So GenRays project team worked on the following:
The GenRay Project Sponsor and Project Manager team should identify and evaluate carefully, the risk and its impact before start of project. The risk could change later but the initial evaluation will determine the success of project. The Sponsor should convey to the PM and the team

Initial Defined Risks and Constraints

Risk Impact Likelihood of Occurrence
(L,M,H) Degree of Impact
(L,M,H) Action Trigger Responsibility Response Plan Aggressive Timeline Delay In ‘Go Live’ M H Daily review of Activity Project Manager 4) Staff to Work Overtime
5) PM to make use of tools defined (e.g. Gantt chart) to

Key: L = low, M = medium, H = high
• Resources. Identify the equipment, software, staff, and space that are available for the project.
• Time. Identify the date by which the application deployment project must be completed, and how the application testing process fits into the larger deployment project.
• Organizational issues. If the project will not involve the entire organization,

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