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Correlation as a Measure of Association


Submitted By simplymocha28
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Correlation as a Measure of Association Summary
Alethea Cooper
June 8, 2015
Jason Cantone

Correlation as a Measure of Association Summary
Correlation research examines the extent to which differences in one characteristic or variable are related to differences in one or more other characteristics or variables. A correlation exist when one variable increases, another variable either increases or decreases in a predictable manner (Leedy, Ormrod, 2010).
There are two different methods of correlation research; positive and negative. Positive is a positive relationship where both variables tend to move in the same direction. If one variable increases, the other tends to also increase (Jackson, 2011). If one variable decreases the other tends to as well. The example above; GPA and Math SAT are positively related. As GPA (or Math SAT) increases, the other variable also has a tendency to increase. Negative is a negative relationship the variables tend to move in the opposite directions. If one variable increases, the other tends to decrease, and vice-versa (Jackson, 2011).
Correlational research allows researchers to collect more data than experiments. Because correlational research usually takes place outside of the lab, the results tend to be more applicable to everyday life. Another benefit of correlational research is that it opens up a great deal of further research to other scholars. When researchers begin investigating a phenomenon or relationship for the very first time, correlational research provides a good starting position. It allows researchers to determine the strength and direction of a relationship, so that later studies can narrow the findings down and when possible, determine causation experimentally (Jackson, 2011) . Correlation research only uncovers a relationship, it cannot provide a conclusive reason for the reason there is a

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