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Submitted By Michellebby
Words 763
Pages 4
Alright so I had a talk with this guy last night about how he feels he's terrible at what he does and that he's at the bottom of the totem pole because he really can't seem to do anything right. I listened to what he had to say and then told him that he really is at the bottom of the totem pole and he really isn't good at what he does. I also told him that he's stagnant and doesn't work hard to better himself. I then went on to tell him that he's a coward and is afraid to try new things because he's afraid of failing. He's afraid of what other people will think if they see him fail. I told him that I'm never going to think anything more of him than that in which he thought of himself (hope I structured that correctly).
Thennnnnn I told him lets take a step back from his dark world of hopelessness and pessimism and take a look at things from my perspective. I told him that I see a ton of great things in him and listed off tons of areas where he excels. I told him that he needs to get his life together and stop whining about what he can't do and sharpen his current set of tools, then add to the arsenal. Told him that he doesn't get better because he has already set a limit to his potential and in his eyes growth isn't possible. He said he's at the bottom and can only go down.
Quick story...
He watched me spot a double full back in the day and went crazy because he had never seen anyone spot one before. He asked me how I did it and I showed him what to spot for. That was ages ago and last night I told him that was my first time to ever spot a double and he was like no way....he asked if I was nervous and what if I dropped her and she broke her leg. I don't think like that at all and I mentioned how that wasn't even a feasible outcome. I told him that I was nervous but fully comfortable at the time because my mission was to keep her safe and I was going to make sure it happened. I over spotted and her double and it was actually pretty clean. The look on her face was priceless. After that, I spotted tons more and now they're cake to me. I told him that the girl had no clue it was my first time (think about J. Cole). No one did. But they trusted me because I never gave them a reason to believe otherwise. They have never seen me drop a girl because I never have. Sometimes you gotta fake it til you make it.
Anyways, long story short...think great things of yourself. It's not pride or arrogance. It's you facing reality. No one can tell me that I can't teach a tumbling skill from levels 1-5 because completed my USASF Credentialing and I have taught them all. No one can tell me I can't spot a tumbling skill from levels 1-5 because as of last year I have officially spotted them all, multiple times each. I have plenty of room to learn and try to learn every day so you can definitely tell me something that will make my instruction better, but you can never tell me anything that will bring me down because it's invalid. I've put myself in scary situations but I have composure throughout and believe in myself. That's what it boils down to. There's no limit to what I can do because I set the bar. There is no bar in my world so that should say a lot. I'm not afraid of failing. I just make sure that I'm prepared behind closed doors so when the time comes I am ready for whatever and I succeed when it's necessary. Strategic planning. There's nothing arrogant about that at all. Don't let someone else tell you how good you can be because you decide that.
Lastly, don't be afraid to tell someone what they need to hear. If you are always telling them what they want to hear, how much good are you really doing? You're covering up an issue that needs to be brought to the table. Of course there is definitely a time and a place for keeping it real but hey someone's gotta do it at some point.

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