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Submitted By narisa
Words 268
Pages 2

This graph portrays the craving of people depending on the kind of substance they receive in a certain phase of the study. Heroin tops the charts, while heroin antagonist drops the graph to the bottom. As we have discussed before in class, craving tends to be highest when people are actively administering the certain substance, which can explain the Heroin phase and its high craving rate. As people move over to the methadone phase, there will be far less high involved, and thus people will lose some of their craving. The chart then will drop further with the drug free phase. However, the craving rate rises slightly again during the antagonist and heroin and antagonist phases, only to plummet down again. Considering antagonist blocks heroin receptors and feels ‘bad’, it is understandable that the antagonist phase has a brief spike in craving rise before plummeting again. The interesting part is the heroin and antagonist phase, where the graph is far too low compared to the heroin phase. Considering people have already experienced antagonist, as well as for the fact that taking the two together would have none of the ‘good’ effects heroin has, it is understandable that nobody looks forward to it Another explanation could be that it has been quite some time since the people in the study had taken heroin. As said before, craving is high usually when people are actively administering the drug. This craving then drops as the period of abstinence grows, which could be another reason why the craving spikes never even reach the methadone phase craving level.

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