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Creating a Positive for Every Negative


Submitted By nwindcc
Words 809
Pages 4
Creating a Positive for every Negative
--- Rebuilding a healthy organizational culture

Based on the consulting team’s investigation report we can draw that the root of the problems lies in the company’s bad organizational structure and management’s inefficient performance. With the OB theories, I try to discuss how to rebuild Payam Ghanbari’s organizational culture by changing the organizational structure and turn those negative factors into positive incentives and to make it a healthy organizational culture.

Organizational structure affects organizational culture
The organizational culture of a business reflects the mentality, work ethic and values of the company's owners and employees, while organizational structure refers to the actual framework of a company. Organizational structure directly affects a company's culture due to the placement of individuals within that structure.

Examining the relationship between organizational structure and culture change hinges on two premises: First, an organizational culture develops around the organizational structure, and a culture change will be required to change the firm's structure. Second, an organizational structure can remain, but the organizational culture can change if management changes how workers are assigned to roles in the same but more flexible structure.

One of the major problems of Payam Ghanbari’s organizational structure as pointed is the rigid departmentalized production lines with differentiated working conditions. This directly provided a breeding ground for growing a low morale among employees and at the same time caused a great work stress for those working in the economy line and conflicts between workers in different production lines.

The second serious problem the rigid organizational structure brought about is inefficient communication. Low transparency of

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