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Creon The Tragic Hero In Sophocles Antigone

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Antigone is a play written by Sophocles in 441 b.c.In the play antigone, Creon is the king of Thebes. Creon creates laws that fall back on him and he lost his wife and son and neice. Creon is a tragic hero because he was born into noblity and he fell from great heights and met a tragic death.Being born into nobility is the first trait that makes creon a tragic hero. The first time he portrayed as a tragic hero is when he talks to the people, his qoute that shows this is “As next in blood have succeed to the full power of the throne” This is showing that creon is next in blood and will be king and being part of being a tragic hero. Creon was born into nobility is showing he was a tragic hero when the people started figuring out he was king. “But now our new king is coming Creon of thebes, Menokius son,” This is explaining That the new king is gonna be him, They are telling who it is and this is part of being a tragic hero. This is what it takes to be a tragic hero.
Creon is a tragic hero because he fell from great hiegh and esteem,This means he fell from his high esteen and he feels guilty for what he did wrong. He relized that he did wrong and needs …show more content…
This is showing That he needs to meets a tragic death emotianally and he wants to die. A qoute that explains this is “Fate has brought all my pride to dust.” This means that there is no pride or joy left for him. I see tragic death in it all because he is saying there is no reason to live anymore and all his pride and joy is gone. “The sky is deaf.” This is saying that he wants to die and cant feel joy anymore and wants to die and stay dead. These Qot all show more of creon being a tragic hero and ways he wants to die for it. Creon definetly became a tragic hero cause he relized what he did wrong and wants to pay for it. Creon will always be a tragic hero. The last thing is creon has changed his ways and wanted to fix it so that is what a tragic hero

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