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Creu Coberta


Submitted By ndhristova
Words 531
Pages 3
Nora Hristova
Management Across Aborders
Cesar Duch
23 July 2015

Creu Coberta

Creu Coberta retailers association is a very unique company that allows for even smaller businesses to compete on a larger scale. The company specializes in the advertisement and promotion of the stores and shops located on its street or in the near proximity. In 1968 when the association was established its main purpose was not to advertise and promote, but rather obtain advice to prompt lighting at Christmas time. It later was transferred into a more developed company that now focuses on group advertising, developing group campaigns, and event management. For example, they held a Roman exhibition in the streets for everyone to enjoy. They also had a catwalk for the citizens of Barcelona. The Creu Coberta association is very successful because they have something for everyone. They advertise many different types of shops and stores that can appeal to anyone’s needs. Creu Coberta even advertises to the blind. They have their products printed and listed in different languages to make them more user friendly. There are 400 shops and more than 80 percent of those have joined the Creu Coberta association. Owning a shop and being part of a group that pretty much takes care of your advertising is very beneficial because it saves you a lot of money. For about thirty-three euros per month you can join the association and any type of shop is welcome to join. The government subsidizes the retailer association, which can also help cut some of the cost. For that price, Creu Coberta profits over 10,000 euros per month. Because of its helpful and beneficial nature it is the highest awarded company in Barcelona. All in all I think this company is very well thought out. They have created a sort of Catch 22. By recruiting shops to use them for advertising they are also growing their own image. The local, family owned businesses benefit from the Creu Coberta by joining a larger family of stores just like them for little cost to advertise. Creu Coberta benefits equally by also receiving the free advertisement from each joining new member. With each additional business added to the team, the Creu Coberta association grows by word of mouth. This saves costs for both Creu Coberta and each member of the association. The different promotions that Creu Coberta sets up are also beneficial for the town. It brings together the entire city to shop and explore their local options. With the increase in franchises, it is very hard for local places to succeed. Competing with companies on such a larger scale can be almost impossible. In Charleston, South Carolina- where I am from, we have a Second Sunday. That is when all of the local restaurants and shops take out chairs and tables to block the streets and have their merchandise displayed. It is a huge festival that brings in people from all over the country. It also brings in revenue that almost triples every other week in Charleston. Assuming the revenues are very similar considering the concepts are almost parallel, this is a very positive thing for the city of Barcelona.

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