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Critical Appraisal


Submitted By voto81
Words 609
Pages 3
Did the authors of the Houck et al. (2011) study possess the research, education, and clinical expertise to conduct this study?
Yes, the authors of the Houck et al. (2011) study possess the research, education, and clinical expertise to conduct a study regarding children with ADHD and behavioral symptoms. This study was published in a reliable resource, the Journal of Pediatric Nursing. The study was performed by a group of highly educated nurses that possessed masters and doctorate level certifications. Gail Houck PhD, RN, PMHNP is a professor of child and family nursing at The University of Washington. Judy Kendall, PhD, RN is a nursing scholar from the Oregon Health and Science University. Both of these doctorate level nurses have a background working with children. The writing of this article was partially funded by a grant from the National Institute of Nursing research, again a highly reliable source. The article documents findings and conclusions that appear to show reliable and valid results.
What is the purpose in the Houck et al. (2011) study and what is the purpose for the Imes et al. (2011) study?
The purpose of Houck et al (2011) study was to research children with ADHD that exhibit behavioral symptoms and explore if there is a correlation between the behavioral symptoms and self-concept. The purpose of the research appears to be valid and the design of the study appears to answer the purpose of the study.
The purpose of the Ismes et al (2011) study was to describe experiences from the partner’s view of living with a person experiencing severe heart failure. The purpose of the research appears to be valid and the design of the study appears to answer the purpose of the study.
Did the authors of Kravits et al. (2010) study possess the research, education, and clinical expertise to conduct this study?
Yes, the authors of the Kravits et al. (2010) study possess the research, education, and clinical expertise to conduct research to develop and evaluate a psycho-educational program that aids the nursing profession to develop plans for stress management. This article was also published in a reliable resource, Applied Nursing Research. The project was conducted by a group of highly educated nurses that possessed masters and doctorate level certifications. The article further states that the Unihealth Foundation aided to support the funding for this particular research project. This article also documents findings and conclusions that appear to show reliable and valid results.
What is the purpose in the Kravits et al (2010) study?
The purpose of this article was to discuss a project conducted by a group of nurses to develop and evaluate a psycho-educational program that aids the nursing profession to develop plans for stress management. The purpose of the project appears to be valid and the design of the project appears to answer the purpose of the project.
Houck, G., Kendall, J., Miller, A., Morrell, P., & Wiebe, G. (2011). Self-concept in children and adolescents with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 26(3), 239-247. Retrieved from CINAHL database on July 2, 2014.
Imes, C.C., Dougherty, C.M., Pyper, G., & Sullivan, M.D. (2011). Descriptive study of partners’ experiences of living with severe heart failure. Heart & Lung: The Journal of Critical Care, 40(3), 208-216. Retrieved from CINAHL database on July 2, 2014.
Kravis, K., McAllister-Black, R., Grant, M., & Kirk, C. (2010). Self-care strategies for nurses: A psycho-educational intervention for stress reduction and the prevention of burnout. Applied Nursing Research: ANR, 23(3), 130-138. Retrieved from CINAHL database on July 2, 2014.

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