Premium Essay

D.A. Breaks Judges and Own Gag Order


Submitted By 4evereva
Words 778
Pages 4

[pic] D A Hollister [pic] Judge Ira R kaufman

Gerald nichols was arrested back in april of this year and the judge Ira R Kaufman and d. a., David D Hollister of plumas county are allowed to take away his constitutional rights. his right to defend himself, because he (the judge) didn’t like gerald’s answers. at least 10 times on monday 22 of july 2013 i heard gerald ask the judge to keep his ‘pro per’ status and requested adequate counsel and the judge refused.

Monday 22 july, gerald asked the judge about the gag order that the judge had implemented in his case on 16 july and two days later 24 july the d. a., released this story “man facing drug charges tests court’s patience before trial” and it is full of lies and discrepancies. i had went to the newspaper this last april and asked for this case to be investigated, but they refused, again i went on 23 of july 2013 and asked for the newspaper to investigate the judge, d.a., and the sheriff’s office in the crimes that they were committing, and to speak with gerald they refuse, but the story that d. a., Hollister had released about gerald was already in the newspaper.

i have called all over the state of california for help for my son. i called the governors office, attorney general, doj, fbi, u.s. marshalls, highway patrol, and other law enforcement outside of this county of plumas california, and was told its not in their jurisdiction.

i have also learned that there are no checks and balances on what these judges can do. they have the right to set them selves up as GOD’s on earth, because evidently they are beyond the arms of the law.

people this is not the only county that this happening to it is happening in little communities across the nation. how many videos and news stories are out there about judges, d.a., and law enforcement that are not

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...English-Russian Idioms Last updated: March 3, 2003 Please take a look at the important information about the copyright. Do not remove it. © 2000-2003 Natalya Belinsky All Rights Reserved This copy of the document was provided by the author for Educational Project FluentEnglish ( ) You have the royalty–free right to use this document as you wish. You are free to quote, copy, distribute or publish this document, but please DO NOT REMOVE this copyright information. No warranties of any kind are made to you as to this document or any medium it may be on. No liability is assumed by the author or Fluent English project for anything including but not limited to indirect, consequential, punitive or incidental damages; incomplete, inaccurate or corrupt data; transcription errors; a computer virus; computer codes that damage or cannot be read by your equipment. Please send your comments, corrections and contributions to the author: IDIOMS Natalya Belinsky 2 ИДИОМ Ы Наталья Белинская От составителя Думаю, любому человеку, сталкивавшемуся с необходимостью освоения иностранного языка в пределах, чуть превосходящий уровень школьной «тройки», приходилось иметь дело с выражениями, представляющими на первый взгляд полную абракадабру, хотя все слова вроде бы известны. Это кажущееся несоответствие значений слов смыслу фразы обуславливается, скорее всего, одной из двух причин: либо в данном выражении имеется какой-то...

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