Premium Essay

Dalai Lama's 'Kaiji The Ultimate Survivor'

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Words 1859
Pages 8
Comprehensive Literary Analysis
“The ultimate authority must always rest with the individual's own reason and critical analysis.”-Dalai Lama Literary works present culture, philosophy, and deep truths about the nature of humanity, but the interpretation of these texts is left solely to the reader. Analysis is the ability to understand the fundamental concepts of information received in any form by breaking down the complexities into essential features and their relations. One’s interpretation may change one’s view of the world or entertain them but, in seeking the purpose of the information one is presented one is able to question fundamental concepts and create his or her own ideologies. Kaiji the ultimate survivor is a literary text that tackles many these ideologies that one may …show more content…
When Kaiji finished his first trial, he depended on two of this partners that he saved to help save him, but to Kaiji’s surprise his allies abandoned him for the pursuit of their own happiness. This clearly depicted the evil in the hearts of men as Kaiji’s teammates left him to wither away into nothingness to better their own lives. This can also be interpreted as the fundamental truth for all organisms as their goal in life is to survive to pass on their genes, in survival of the fittest it makes no difference whether the survivor is evil or kind and if being evil leads to an increased chance of survival that is the most optimal path. The author decided to choose the title “Kaiji the ultimate survivor” to show that people who hold onto moral philosophies are able to better survive. This is shown when Kaiji escapes the nothingness and comes back to punish the evildoers and sets others in the losers room free. In the end while Fukumoto Nobuyuki shows the evil in the hearts of men he also distinguishes that good people survive

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