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Data Base


Submitted By wickersam3
Words 799
Pages 4

CustTable Central client register table. Statistic and setup values are defined in this table. | Field name | Data type | Field description | AccountNum | NUMBER(5,0) | Unique identifier of a customer | Name | VARCHAR2(50) | Name of the customer. This name is printed on documents, such as invoices and account statements. | InvoiceAccount | NUMBER(5,0) | Invoice account, to which the customer is linked. The invoice account is the account to which the invoice amount is debited. In the event there is not a specific invoice account, the customer’s account is used in this field. | CrediMax | NUMBER(8,0) | Maximum amount that the selected customer is allowed to have as an outstanding account balance.This amount is always stated in the default currency of the customer. | CountryRegionId | INTEGER | Country/region of the customer address. | Address1 | VARCHAR2(100) | First part of street or postal address line | Address2 | VARCHAR2(100) | Second part of street or postal address line | City | VARCHAR2(50) | City of the customer address | ZIpCode | VARCHAR2(5) | Postal/ZIP code of the customer address. This code is often used for searching and sorting. | State | VARCHAR2(2) | State of the customer address. This field is often used for searching and sorting. | Telephone | VARCHAR2(20) | Customer’s contact telephone number | PaymMode_Typical | INTEGER | Stored, typical payment mode of the customer. Related to PaymMode table | LineOfBusinessID | INTEGER | Customer’s type of business. Used for reporting. Related to LineOfBusiness table |

CustTrans All kinds of customer transactions are recorded in this table. In addition to the most common transactions like invoices and payments, also different periodical transactions are stored in this table (exchange adjustment, customer settlement etc.). All transactions in CustTrans table cause also changes in general ledger transactions table LedgerTrans. | Field name | Data type | Field description | TransId | INTEGER | Unique row identifier in table and the primary key | AccountNum | NUMBER(5,0) | Unique identifier of a customer who pays the invoice. Related to CustTable | Invoice | VARCHAR2(20) | The invoice number that the transaction is related to | Comment | VARCHAR2(MAX) | Descriptive text for the current transaction | Amount | NUMBER(10,2) | The total amount of the transaction in the specified currency | CurrencyCode | VARCHAR2(3) | The currency code for the transaction | TransDate | DATE | Date of the transaction | TransType | INTEGER | Field is determined by the function that generated the transaction. From that value it can be monitored from the functional area where the transaction was created. Related to TransType Table. | | | |


* CustSettlement Table where invoice and payment settlement transactions are stored. In case an invoice is paid partially, there are several settlement transactions, showing which payment amount is covering relevant invoice. Also one payment can cover more than one invoice, in this case several invoice settlement lines are referring to one payment lines. This table is closely related with CustTrans table where reference is made by using RecId fields. Information from this table is needed when historical invoice and payment status has to be monitored. Balances for a specific date in the past need to be calculated by using data from CustSettlement table. | Field name | Data type | Field description | SettlementID | INTEGER | Unique row identifier in table and the primary key. Part of composite primary key. | TransID | INTEGER | Related transaction TransID in the CustTrans table. Defines the transaction based on what the settlement transactions is created. Part of composite primary key. | SettlementDate | DATE | The settlement date | AccountNum | NUMBER(5,0) | Customer account number, relation to CustTable | SettleAmount | NUMBER(10,2) | The amount of the settlement transaction in the specified currency | OffsetTransID | INTEGER | Related offset transaction TransID in the CustTrans table. Defines the transaction that was settled with the base transaction. | PaymMode | INTEGER | The payment method used for this customer transaction (bank file types, payment steps etc.). | PaymDetail | VARCHAR2(50) | Detailed information about the payment (i.e. check #, ACH code, etc.) |



* CustPaymentMode Table what contains different payment modes that can be used by customers. | Field name | Data type | Field description | PaymModeID | INTEGER | Unique identifier for the method of payment. Primary Key. | Name | VARCHAR2(50) | A short description of the payment method. For example, BANK for the method for bank payments from customers. |

* CountryRegion Table that contains the region where customers are located. Weak entity of CustTable. | Field name | Data type | Field description | CountryRegionID | INTEGER | Unique identifier for the method of payment. Primary Key. | Region | CHAR(10) | Description of the region of the country (i.e. East, NorthEast) |

* LineOfBusiness Table that contains the primary business each customer represents | Field name | Data type | Field description | LineOfBusinessID | INTEGER | Unique identifier for the method of payment. Primary Key. | LineOfBusiness | VARCHAR2(50) | Description of the LOB (i.e. Technology, Finance) | * * TransType Table that defines different transaction types for the CustTrans Table | Field name | Data type | Field description | TransTypeCode | INTEGER | Unique identifier for the method of payment. Primary Key. | TransType | VARCHAR2(50) | Description of the TransType (i.e. Payment, Purchase) |

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