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Data Mining A1


Submitted By liveReign
Words 973
Pages 4
FIT3002 Applications of Data Mining
Assignment 1 (100 marks)
This assignment requires you to use the data mining tool, WEKA, to build a good model from a given set of data; and then write a report to describe the process. The Hyperthyroid data set is for the study of hyperthyroid disease. The data is supplied by Garvan Institute and J. Ross Quinlan. An instance in this data set is a diagnosis record for a single patient, and the data set contains a total of 2800 instances. Each instance is represented by 29 input attributes and a class attribute indicating whether the diagnosis for the patient is hyperthyroid, T3 toxic, goitre, secondary toxic, or negative. The attribute information is given below: age: numeric. sex: M, F. on thyroxine: f, t. query on thyroxine: f, t. on antithyroid medication: f, t. sick: f, t. pregnant: f, t. thyroid surgery: f, t. I131 treatment: f, t. query hypothyroid: f, t. query hyperthyroid: f, t. lithium: f, t. goitre: f, t. tumor: f, t. hypopituitary: f, t. psych: f, t. TSH measured: f, t. TSH: numeric. T3 measured: f, t. T3: numeric. TT4 measured: f, t. TT4: numeric. T4U measured: f, t. T4U: numeric. FTI measured: f, t. FTI: numeric. TBG measured: f, t. TBG: numeric. referral source: WEST, STMW, SVHC, SVI, SVHD, other. class: hyperthyroid, T3 toxic, goitre, secondary toxic, negative.

Your tasks are to: (a) analyze the data, and convert the data as suggested above, build several models from it and choose the best model, and (b) to write a report describing the data mining process (i.e., problem definition, data preparation and preprocessing, algorithms and training parameters selection, train and test, and result analysis). Your analysis should include a comparison with a default model which always predicts the majority class in the training data. For the "data preparation and preprocessing" step, you only need to concentrate on

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