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Data Mining Research


Submitted By charlottetachu
Words 579
Pages 3
One of this week’s chapters discusses Data Mining; the article I will focus on discusses a product created by Hampton Creek. The company created the Just Mayo product which is simply an egg-free version of mayo that hit stores nationwide within the past year. Hampton Creek is partially backed by one of the most famous financial entrepreneurs of the world, Bill Gates and was recently sued by a competitor, Unilever (Smith, 2014). Unilever is just one of many Hampton Creek’s competitors that creates Hellmann’s mayonnaise and believed that the mayo created by HC was falsely advertising its product because it does not includes eggs (Smith, 2014). The overall point of the article focuses on how Hampton Creek utilizes data mining to create more than just healthy food; data mining is utilized to find the best-tasting substitutes for unhealthier foods to change the future of food production (Smith, 2014). In doing so the company is in the process of creating less expensive foods with less water and using less land so that the product is more sustainable and free of GMOs and other unnatural ingredients (Smith, 2014).
This article relates to unit two because in chapter 5 of the text book Kotler and Keller (2012) states that data mining can be utilized in a way for business management can gain a competitive advantage (p. 144). Data mining is a process that allows data collection via cluster analysis, automatic interaction detection, predictive modeling, neural networking and even regression (Kotler, & Keller, 2012). It is also a process that can predict future prospects, the best marketing mediums, loyal customers, frequent customer purchases, and serious or potential risks within the business (Hormazi, & Giles, 2012). The article also focuses on Hampton Creek’s use of data mining, the company chooses the best plant protein out of 18 billion to develop valuable products

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