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Date Rape Research Paper

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Rapists Rape is the most intimate of all crimes. It is an act of enforced intercourse between a male of a female without the consent of the woman. Whether it’s an unwanted sexual touch or sexual use of someone by force than it is considered rape. In the United States, rape is reported about once every five minutes. It can happen to both male and female of any age, but it is mainly done to females. Rape is very real around the world and it is forced and unwanted. According to the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation they define rape as penetration and no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object. It may also be oral penetration without the victim’s consent. The offender is most likely someone they know, which can …show more content…
Stranger rape is when the victim has no prior knowledge or contact with the offender. Many offenders in stranger rape remain at large because they commit their crime to victims who do not know their identity. Statistics say that 18% percent of victims are raped by a stranger and 82% percent of the victims were raped by someone they know, which brings another type of rape called date rape. Date rape involves an intercourse with the victim and their significant other that turns bad. Date rape is more prevalent than stranger rape. Women need to be careful on who they go on dates with because some offenders may use Rohypnol, known as “Roofies,” as their drug of choice for their victims. Rohypnol is a tasteless and odorless drug that is often dropped into a drink. This drug is said to be ten times the strength of Valium and falls under the same class as marijuana. Once it is consumed, it produces the victim to feel relaxation in their muscles, slows their responses, and causes amnesia. Roofies make it easier for the offenders to rape the victim. Predatory rape occurs when a man uses force or deception upon a woman, but had intended and planned to rape his victim by pretending to engage in legitimate dating

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