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Deadliest Day Research Paper

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Deadliest Day of New York

What seemed to have been a freak accident turned into one of the deadliest days in New York history. Grouped with Islam, 19 extremists hijacked four planes carrying out suicide attacks in three different locations in the U.S. (“9/11 Attacks”). Today known as 9/11, this event will forever change the way the U.S. sees terrorists, more horrified than ever. Tuesday, September 11, 2001 8:00am 19 terrorist split up on four planes (“9/11 Attacks”). The first plane being an American Airlines Boeing 775, loaded with 20,000 gallons of jet fuel crashed into the 80th floor, killing hundreds instantly and trapping hundreds on the higher level floors in North Tower of the World …show more content…
Flight 77 took that act of flying down out of the sky colliding into the west side of the Pentagon. 125 military members and civilians were killed as well as the 64 people on the plane. The four planes targeted New York, Washington D.C, and the outside of Shanksville Pennsylvania. (“September 11th”) After the second tower of the W.T.C. was hit it collapsed in approximately 10 seconds. The North twin tower fell in 102 minutes after the hit… only six made it out alive. Meanwhile, United flight 93 was hijacked 40 minutes after taking off because of a delay. Hijackers then claimed they would not be landing (“September 11th”). The passengers heard the news of New York and Washington D.C. from airfone calls to the ground. Some of the passengers and flight attendants planned an insurrection. (“9/11 Attacks”) Thomas Burnett Jr, one of the passengers called his wife, “I know we’re all going to die, there’s three of us who are going to do something about it. I love you Honey.” Todd Beaner, also a passenger was heard saying, “Are you guys ready? Let’s Roll!” Over an open line. A flight attendant, Sandy Braudshaw called her husband and explained she had slipped into a galley and was filling pitchers with boiling water, her last words were, “Everyone’s running to first class I’ve got to

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