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Death In Julius Caesar Essay

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Adrian though a lot about death continued to think of himself as a Christian. He was not afraid of death itself and often recited from Shakespeare’s plays, in this case Julius Caesar; ‘Cowards die many times before their deaths: The valiant never taste of death but once. Of all the wonders that I have yet heard, it seems to me strange that men should fear seeing that death, a necessary end, will come when it will come.’
Adrian considered himself among the ‘Valiant’, and he knew that in his job he faced death every day. Still, in the evenings when he was alone, his thoughts often turned to death and the promises of a hereafter. He wondered if death was the final end, and after death there was nothing. But like so many others he hoped …show more content…
He had been searching for consolation, and here was an answer he had never before considered seriously. The words of Edgar Cayce seemed to make sense to him, and the logic in nature appeared to support his philosophy. Would God, who is eternal, place man on earth for such a short interlude: a single lifetime to earn a place in eternity or hell? He had expected that in tonight’s studies he would gain a basic understanding of reincarnation, but as he read the readings of the psychic Edgar Cayce, so proven in his accuracy on healing and reality, Adrian wondered how he could be mistaken when he delved into the question of death. It did not seem very likely. The evidence of Cayce’s powers of paranormal sight was too proven by the sheer numbers and the accuracy of his psychic readings to come to any other conclusion than that he was legitimate. Adrian considered Becky Williams and his curiosity grew deeper. But he also contemplated his own life and death and compared the Christian faith with the more logical answers in the faith in reincarnation. Yet Cayce was a Christian who revered his faith in Jesus. Here was a mystery, the consolidation of main line Christianity with the concept of rebirth on earth. After all, didn’t Jesus say, ‘I tell you the truth; unless you are born again you cannot see the Kingdom of

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