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Decion in Paradise 1


Submitted By Wolfies1
Words 1132
Pages 5
Decisions in Paradise
June 14, 2010

Nik was a new graduate that was offered a job on an island in the south pacific named Kava. He felt very secure with his decision to take the job since the health care afcility has a solid foundation. He blindly took the job not having any prior knowledge of the history of the island or what the job required of him. To his surprise, upon arrival, he noticed the island was a mess as far as the eye could see. It was not the paradise Nik expected it to be. The paradise country has gone threw many natural disasters making this a potential concern for him. Nik entered the trailer, which they called the office, expecting to greet the receptionist. Instead, a man named Alex greeted him, this would be Nix’s mentor and supervisor. In this quick introduction he went into explaining what had happened to the island and that it affects everyone every day all over the world. Alex also explained that the organization is considering establishing a greater presents here that could take different forms, based on what is good for the company and good for the people. Kava was a country with lots of serious potential risk associated with it such as: disease, terrorism, which meant possible risk of money laudering, threat of natural disasters, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes. Over fifty percent of the people in Kava were under fifteen years of age. The organization would have to face lack of available employees due to age requirements. Also, there was a broad ethnic mix of indigenous South Pacific tribes, Asian, African, French, and Spanish. Communication would be tough. The positive side of Kava is that the labor is inexpensive quality labor and the country was full of natural resources. The government of Kava has asked the company to consider there island as a place to establish their business to help rebuild their economy due to the devastation of natural disaster. Nix agreed to give it shot and started making a plan of where to start. Location was Niks first thought when he began to analyze the problem of disaster on the island. Although the whole island was affected he wanted to find the least damaged area and investigate. Also by moving the location to another area, would it be exposing it to another kind of natural disaster such as mudslides? Since Nix is not familiar with the area, he would benefit from having a Environmental impact assessment be done. An environmental impact assessment is an assessment of the possible impact- positive or negative- that a proposed project may have on the environment, together consisting of the natural, social and economic aspects ( Wikipedia,2010). He explained to Alex they would need to be able to communicate with the people effectively. The first task at hand would be to find an interrupter. Communication is going to be key to establishing a business in a foreign land. Although the government is in agreement with having the company build on their land, the community in which they plan to build will need to be in agreement also in order for the company to be successful. A person from human resources would need to inform the people of the plans and goals they have. They would need to explain to them how this is going to help rebuild there country by opening doors for employment growth, healthier environment , tourists and technology. This would help build their trust and devotion to helping the company get on its feet. We want the community to be in agreement with our being there. Ask the government for assistance in the clean up of the area for the building. Get in touch with some of the disaster relief organizations would be a good idea for some of the clean up also. The clean up should include supplying food and clothing to the people affected. The organizations that would be helpful are The American Red Cross, Christian Reformed World Relief. Next scout the community for people with degrees or even people of age of working. This will give you a clue of how many people need to be brought in for construction. While the construction is being completed a management team should also be assembled. The first department that should be assembled is the human resource department. Human resources consists of many people and departments. The human resource departments are the entities organizations form to organize people, reporting relationships, and work in a way that best supports the accomplishment of the organizations goals. Departments are usually organized by functions such as human resources, marketing, administration, and sales ( Heathfield, 2010).The human resource supervisor will be responsible for putting together job descriptions and an overview of the job requirements to reduce confusion. They will put together safety guidelines for employees in order to make it a safe working environment. Next the administrator would draw up a code of ethics that will not create ethical dilemmas that will infringe on the employees rights. When developing a code of ethics it would be smart to hire a lawyer so not to break any laws. These will help the employee understand the way the company wants them to conduct themselves at the work place. In conclusion, Nik was a new graduate that took on a job starting a heath care facility on an island in the South Pacific called Kava. After careful deliberation, he came up with a starting plan using the rational decision making process. He first determined what the obvious problems are such as natural disasters, terrorism, disease, location and man power. Then he looked at the positives that where cheap labor, natural resources, need for health care, and the government assistance to cut cost of building. Next, he looked at possible alternatives to the age problem such as bringing in workers from oversees that were skilled and of age . He also looked at the possibility of a different location on the island that had less potential of getting damaged if another hurricane came threw. He also took into consideration what a building with so much technology could do to the environment by having a environmental impact assessment done. Nik assembled a management team which would consist of many different departments. The human relations would handle safety, description of job, and financial department, and relations with community. The administrator would handle the code of ethics. There are many issues that Nik is faced with but I believe this would be a good business adventure.
Wikipedia Foundation Inc.(2010). Environmental impact assessment. Retrieved June 1, 2010
Heathfield Susan M.(2010) What is the Human Resources. Retrieved June 13, 2010

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