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Deflategate Scandal

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Bungling Through the Social Media Jungle: Part 1
Poor judgment, social media, and pro football intersect yet again. I’ve written some earlier posts regarding the Deflategate scandal, which made it clear that text messaging provides an easy way for pretty much everyone, including the NFL, to embarrass themselves. Social media is of the same ilk in its spontaneity, embarrassment factor, and burgeoning importance in discovery.
Jessica McCloughan, the wife of Redskins General Manager Scot McCloughan, posted some vulgar tweets regarding an ESPN reporter that might make you blush. I won’t repeat the tweets here, but feel free to read them yourself. The Redskins initially denied that Jessica had written the tweets and claimed that the tweets originated from a fake account which they had asked NFL security to shut down. …show more content…
Hassan, 742 F.3d 104 (4th Cir. 2014). In that case, the defendants were convicted of various crimes, including conspiracy to provide material support to terrorists. Several of the posts advocated violent jihad, and at least one discussed purchasing AK-47s. The defendants were convicted, but appealed their conviction, arguing that the social media evidence was inadmissible because it had not been properly authenticated. The trial court had ruled that the defendants’ Facebook posts and YouTube videos were self-authenticating under FRE 902(11), and were therefore admissible as business records. The trial court had also required the prosecution to prove its burden under FRE 901(a) that the accounts were linked to the defendants, which the prosecution accomplished by tracking the defendants’ Facebook pages and accounts to their email addresses via internet protocol addresses. The circuit court agreed with the trial court, finding that the evidence was self-authenticating and had been properly linked to the

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