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Submitted By lenaha
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Communicatie Plan

...Communicatie en media (Periode C, 2011 2012) Eindrapport, opdrachtbeschrijving! DEADLINE WOENSDAG WEEK 6 Maak een Marketingcommunicatieplan in een verslagvorm van maximaal 10 pagina A4 (lettertype 12) waarin je een social-mediastrategie uiteen zet voor “jouw” bedrijf. De literatuur en het werkboek zijn hierbij de nodige hulpmiddelen. Je rapport moet in elk geval de volgende onderdelen bevatten: 1. Wat is het kernprobleem dat je met je plan wil aanpakken? Wees hier zo concreet mogelijk en a. Hoe kunnen wij? 2. Wat zijn de kernwaarden van het bedrijf? (noem er drie) 3. Korte DESTEP analyse…(probeer hier alleen zaken te benoemen die relevant zijn voor je kernprobleem en je bedrijf!) 4. Korte SWOT (maximaal 3 punten per hokje) 5. Wie zijn de belangrijkste doelgroepen? b. Intern c. Extern 6. Wat zijn de kenmerken van de belangrijkste doelgroep? 7. Waar zitten weerstanden bij de doelgroep? 8. Wat spreekt de doelgroep aan? . 9. Wat zijn de communicatiedoelstellingen? (Binnen een bepaalde tijd moet de doelgroep iets weten/doen/voelen) d. Kennis e. Houding f. Gedrag 10. Wat is de boodschap / propositie aan de doelgroep? (wees hier kort en bondig in): steeds verrassend altijd voordelig!(tatata ta) 11. Welke communicatiestrategie kies je bij welke doelgroep? g. Informeren h. Overreden i. Dialogiseren j. Informeren 12. Welke hoofdcommunicatiemiddelen ga je inzetten...

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Strategy & Communication on Dfb Tilburg University

...Tilburg University, and formulated a strategy with could improve the current situation. Recommendations The main recommendations are; reformulating and reviewing the current mission and vision in addition to setting a strategy in which a niche is filled. Focusing on customer intimacy which follows the slogan; DFB does it, just the way you like it!! DFB will be changing its generic strategy from Cost Leadership to Differentiation Focus. Table of content 1.Introduction to Strategy 4 1.1 Strategy 4 2. DFB 5 2.1 Mission 5 2.2 Vision 5 2.3 Values 5 3.Conduction a situational analysis 6 3.1 Situation analysis 6 3.2 SWOT 6 3.3 The 3 C’s by Ohmea 7 3.3.1 Corporation 7 3.3.2 Customer 7 3.3.3 Competition 7 3.4 DESTEP 7 3.4.1 Demographic 7 3.4.2 Economic 7 3.4.3 Social 8 3.4.4 Technological 8 3.4.5 Ecological 8 3.4.6 Political 8 4.Formulating a Strategy 9 4.1 Porters generic strategies 9 4.2 Critical Success Factors 9 5.Implementing a Strategy 11 5.1 Eight Step Process by Kotter 11 6.Monitoring and Evaluating Strategic Performance 12 6.1 Balance Scorecard 12 6.1.1 Financial 12 6.1.2 Customer 12 6.1.3 Learning and growth 12 6.1.4 Internal business processes 12 6.2 Net...

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...Objectives of the assignment Students should intend to think about the marketing theory they have been learning and to start using that marketing perspective to better understand specific industries/organizations that are operating in a particular marketplace. Students should acquire understanding of the role of marketing and also see that there is a wide range of information available from a variety of sources that can be used by organizations and practitioners for analysis. Components of the assignment 1 a – prepare a PowerPoint presentation including a MACRO environment analysis of a chosen international company (see appendix 1). Use relevant literature and approaches for preparing the macro analysis such as DESTEP, PEST, PESTL, etc. (5 points) 1 b – set up a SWOT analysis for the same company and present it using visual aids. Remember that in a SWOT analysis you identify strengths, weaknesses, market opportunities for your company, and threats to your business. (5 points) 1 c – prepare a PowerPoint presentation on the competitive landscape of the same company. Use the popular Porter Five Forces framework. In the Five Forces Model, Porter explains that in any industry there are five forces that influence what happens within the industry: 1. Existing companies, 2. potential new companies, 3. substitutes for products offered, 4. the suppliers, and 5. the customers. These five forces combine to make up the business environment. By studying the structure...

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...Country Study Estonia Group 3 Executive summary Table of Contents Executive summary 2 Problem definition 4 Methodology 4 Research & Findings 5 DESTEP 5 Qualitative characteristics 6 The role of the trade unions 6 Financial system 6 Regulations influencing international trade 7 Taxation 7 The role of the government 8 Corruption 8 Quantitative characteristics 9 BOP (Balance of Payment) 9 Inflation Rate 9 Gross Domestic Product 10 Economic sectors 10 Structure Labor Force 11 Labor Productivity 11 Employment and Unemployment 12 Interest Rate 13 Importance of international trade for national economy 14 Exchange rate of national currency 14 BERI analysis 15 BERI analysis explanation 16 Recommendation & conclusion 17 Appendix 18 Problem definition The reason for coming up with this report was the possibility of an anonymous two billion USD investment into the Estonian economy. It is essential to weight the stability of business environment in order to give a risk estimate. The leading question should therefore be: How high is the risk of investing in Estonia? Methodology In order to decide whether to invest in Estonia or not we had to come up with a certain method of decision making. The following three analyses are meant to create an overall picture of the country. These facts and figures are then put into consideration and are finally converted into a quantitative chart for a BERI analysis....

Words: 3085 - Pages: 13