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Developing Strategic Management and Leadership in an Organisation


Submitted By ARAVIND001
Words 2490
Pages 10





1.Introduction 3

2.Task One 3

3.Task Two 11

4.Conclution 12

5.References 13


Leadership and strategic Management have been the most debatable topic in the recent time.

Many people have defined argued about Leadership styles and Management. They researched and wrote many books about them and no one reached the common style. the styles depend on the situation present at the time. To be a good leader or a Manager a person has to act wisely in different situations. Strategic Management also an important thing in decision making process.

A Leader or a Manager should be able to cope with the future needs of an organization and should keep in mind in the impact of certain strategies on his company in long term.

Strategic Management

Strategy is described as the way of achieving our objectives. Defining strategy means that you are actually defining a road map for achieving your Goals. Strategic management is the process of establishment and maintaining good strategies.

A leader is defined as someone who has the capacity to create a compelling vision, and to translate it into action and sustain it.(Bennis, 1989)
There are significant differences between ordinary management and leadership, although functionally they can be combined in the same individual.(John Kotter, 1990)
“In business, we see an evolution of the concept of leadership. For decades, the term leadership referred to the people who hold top management positions and the functions they serve. In our common usage, it still does. Recently, however, business people have drawn a distinction between leadership and management, and exercising leadership has

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