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Submitted By masiqin
Words 275
Pages 2
Family Life Worship Center is an officially chartered, full member church of the Missionary Church USA. We held our chartering service on March 14, 2004 with East Central District Superintendent, Joe Wenger, presiding. The denomination voted to accept us as a full member church April 16, 2004.The planting of FLWC has truly been a work of God. It was not my original intent to plant a church at all. I started a musical group, RECONCILED, with the expressed intention of, "using culturally relevant music to facilitate healing within the Body of Christ." In my church history with so many different church traditions, I had learned that most of the people in mainstream evangelical churches all love Jesus and actually have more in common than not. Besides, Jesus said that it was by loving one another that all men would know that we are His disciples, not by getting all of our doctrine agreed upon. He promised that when we were one, as He and the Father are one, that the world would recognize that it was the Father that sent Him! RECONCILED had a core group of singers but borrowed most of our instrumentalists from various local churches with the idea of getting parts of the worship communities to work together and set aside their differences long enough to celebrate Jesus together. The group had significant but unheralded success and it became clear that God was calling me to plant a church that modeled the ministry concept of the band. On May 4, 2008 God grew the model by allowing FLWC to begin sharing a building with our sister church, The Lord's Chapel. | |

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