Premium Essay



Submitted By 3328992
Words 258
Pages 2
1) How has RFID impacted the supply chain?

RFID appears to have impacted all five SCM components. With RFID tags victualing data directly to management systems, companies are better equipped to orchestrate for supply chain developments. RFID sanctions companies to monitor their suppliers, their whereabouts and timeliness, fortifying the source component of SCM. Utilizing RFID to track all the individual components that go into a product avails manage the Make component of SCM. TheDistribute component benefits from truck and shipment tracking as well. While the Returncomponent benefits from kenning precisely what product is being returned, along with itsentire history through the supply chain, sanctioning managers to identify issues along thechain through cluster analysis.

2) What other businesses could use RFID to streamline their supply chain? As always, you are encouraged to respond to other's postings.

Accommodation and maintenance businesses could benefit from RFID. Auto mechanics utilizing components suppliers that implement SCM strategies utilizing RFID would ken precisely where components are in the process of distribution. If automobiles were to have RFID chips installed on their sundry components, automakers would benefit from the data amassed on onerous components as well as mechanics being able to just scan the tag and have a system ken where to injuctively authorize an incipient one.

Theaters and film engenderment and distribution companies would benefit from RFID by tracking films distributed from the engenderment companies, to distributors, and off to the theaters. I have read that this supply chain is especially tight, with films oftentimes being finalized the night afore they are

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