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Diary Of Anne's Character Conflicts

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One main idea of this diary that develops throughout the text is Anne´s character conflicts. Throughout the text´s entirety, she has disdain to others that are linked to many reasons in the beginning, middle, and towards the end of her diary. In the beginning of the diary, her character conflicts are focused on being misunderstood and judged by annexe members as well as her family. For example, on September 28 1942, she writes, ¨Am I really so bad-mannered, conceited, headstrong, pushing, lazy, etc., etc., as they all say?¨ and ¨Nothing, I repeat, nothing about me is right; my general appearance, my character, my manners are discussed from A to Z.¨ On January 30, 1943, she breaks down after the annexe members and her family being misunderstood.

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