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Submitted By smart04
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Pages 2
Hi friends i'm dictionary,I have many nick names wordstock, wordreference, wordbook,lexicon and vocabulary. I have meanings for collection of words. Students, teachers and many common peoples use me to search for meanings of many words. I have listed the words alphabetically so u can easily search a word from me. i also provide you the definitions, pronounciations and phonetics for words. There is a big history behind me, I was found by akkkadian empire in 2300BC. and in later centuries i was configured well by many peoples in different languages using different set of words. My name dictionary was created by john of garland in 1220. I born as an English dictionary during 1592. At the first, I have only 8000 words which are listed in non alphabetical form and I am purely formed as an alphabetical english dictionary on 1604 by the Englishman Robert cawdrey. I was again written in the name “A Dictionary of the English Language” by Samuel Johnson in 1755 with textual reference for most words. Mr. Samuel johnsons master work made me more modern and I developed a lot and I finally released in the oxford English dictionary(OED) by Oxford University Press and remained the standard of English language for 150 years. They took 50 years to complete me an released me on 1928.and I am updated every three by a dedicated team. The main contribution is given by William chester minor. The above things I said is about one of my type English dictionary, I have many types in me. So friends you can make use of me and develop your vocabulary and share your words with your

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Exa Forat

...YEAR | | | | | DATE | | Raw Score | Percentage | Rate | For numbers 1-49, read each item carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the CAPITAL LETTERS of your answers on the spaces provided in your answer sheet. For numbers 1-49, read each item carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the CAPITAL LETTERS of your answers on the spaces provided in your answer sheet. GENERAL DIRECTIONS: Read each item carefully. Write all your answers on the ANSWER SHEET provided. GENERAL DIRECTIONS: Read each item carefully. Write all your answers on the ANSWER SHEET provided. 1-14 knowledge 1. learning style 2. scheduling 3. managing time 4. DDCS, LCCS 5. DDCS, LCCS 6. using the dictionary 7. using library resources 8. using library resources 9. taking notes 10. using library resources 11. using library resources 12. using library resources 13. using library resources 14. using library resources 15-49 comprehension 15. organizing and planning 16. organizing and planning 17. organizing and planning 18. learning style 19. scheduling 20. scheduling 21. scheduling 22. 10 Ps/5 Qs 23. 10 Ps/5...

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Justify a Lie?

...home and his wife, Minnie Wright is the suspected murderer. The following morning, the County Attorney, the Sheriff Peters and his wife, and The Wright’s neighbor, Lewis Hale and his wife visit the house to look for evidence. The men tell the women to stay in the kitchen to keep out of the way. Little to the men know the answer to their questions is in the kitchen and Mrs. Peters and Mrs. Hale discover the clues and solve the crime. However, the two women decide not to tell the men in order to protect Minnie. The question that comes to mind is: “Was the decision made by Mrs. Peters and Mrs. Hale right? Was it just?” The answer to the question is that it was not right, nor was it just. Is there a difference? The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines the word “just” as acting or being in conformity with what is morally upright and good. They also define the word “right” as being in accordance with what is just, good, or proper. The two definitions coincide with each other perfectly. Especially considering the fact that one of the two words is in the other’s definition. Therefore, there is no difference between the two words. They have the same meanings. What Mrs. Peters and Mrs. Hale decide to do at the end of the play is morally wrong. Before the three men leave the kitchen for the upstairs bedroom, the County Attorney says to Mrs. Peters, “…and keep an eye out for anything that might be of use to us.” She responds, “Yes, Mr. Henderson.” When you consider the fact...

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