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Difference of Insanity: Hamlet Verses Ophelia


Submitted By kaylaromine
Words 1294
Pages 6
Kayla Romine
Mr. Kaplan
English 12 P.4
28 March 2012
The Difference of Insanity: Hamlet against Ophelia
In the Renaissance, madness was the theme of William Shakespeare's writings. He attended grammar school, but nothing further. So for his writings to be written with intelligence, it was greatly admired by many. Shakespeare’s career was in the time of Elizabeth I, 1558-1603 and James I, 1566-1625. His writings were not his own original work. It has been said that he took the story, Hamlet, from Saxo Grammaticus and changed the way Hamlet was portrayed from his story into a more “mad” version of Hamlet that waits to get revenge and is not truly mad from the start. It is also said that Shakespeare stole a majority of his stories from other writers during his time, making them more well-known and changing the moral of the story.
In the Renaissance, people looked at insanity as if it were a crime. It was looked down upon. People did not understand that it was something that occurred within the mind, so they thought if they sprayed people with water it would shock them out of their insanity. The Renaissance culture also gave an intellectual rendition to three specific kinds of madness: folly, demonic possession and melancholia. In that time, thoughts of madness were confused by religious beliefs and sometimes even mistaken for nonsense. The dictionary defines madness as “extreme anger, excitement, or foolishness” and in Hamlet, Hamlet is characterized as insane because he fits the definition the dictionary gives, but it is clear that he is only pretending to be foolish in order to get revenge on his uncle. Throughout the play of Hamlet, Shakespeare portrays insanity through two characters: Hamlet and Ophelia. Their insanity is different in various ways. Ophelias insanity was real; struck by the love that Hamlet denies and the death of her Polonius, that Hamlet

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