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Different Knives


Submitted By mbcauilan
Words 2967
Pages 12
Braising (from the French “braiser”) is a combination cooking method using both moist and dry heat; typically the food is first seared at a high temperature and then finished in a covered pot with a variable amount of liquid, resulting in a particular flavor. Braising of meat is often referred to as pot roasting, though some authors make a distinction between the two methods based on whether additional liquid is added.
Cream is a dairy product that is composed of the higher-butterfat layer skimmed from the top of milk before homogenization. In un-homogenized milk, the fat, which is less dense, will eventually rise to the top. In the industrial production of cream, this process is accelerated by using centrifuges called "separators". In many countries, cream is sold in several grades depending on the total butterfat content. Cream can be dried to a powder for shipment to distant markets.Cream skimmed from milk may be called "sweet cream" to distinguish it from whey cream skimmed from whey, a by-product of cheese-making. Whey cream has a lower fat content and tastes more salty, tangy and "cheesy".[1] They are also used in variety of food products.Cream produced by cattle (particularly Jersey cattle) grazing on natural pasture often contains some natural carotenoid pigments derived from the plants they eat; this gives the cream a slight yellow tone, hence the name of the yellowish-white color, cream. Cream from goat's milk, or from cows fed indoors on grain or grain-based pellets, is white.
Deglazing is a cooking technique for removing and dissolving browned food residue from a pan to make a sauce, known as a pan sauce, that is often made to accompany sauteed meats. The browned residue is due to either the Maillard reaction or caramelization.When a piece of meat is roasted, pan fried or prepared in a pan with another form of dry heat, a deposit of browned sugars, carbohydrates, and/or proteins forms on the bottom of the pan, along with any rendered fat. The French culinary term for these deposits is sucs, pronounced: [syk] ( listen)), from the Latin word succus (sap).[1]Generally speaking, a pan sauce is made by sauteing a meat at high temperature in a skillet. The meat is removed and the majority of the fat is poured off, leaving a small amount with the dried and browned meat juices. The pan is returned to the heat, and a liquid such as vegetable or meat stock, a spirit, some wine, or verjuice is added to act as a solvent. This allows the cook to scrape the dark spots from the bottom of the pan and dissolve them, incorporating the remaining browned material at the bottom of the pan into a basic sauce.[2] The culinary term fond, French for "base" or "foundation", refers to this sauce, although it is also sometimes used to describe the browned food bits instead (commonly in the United States).The flavour of the pan sauce is determined chiefly by the meat, the liquid used for deglazing, and any flavouring or finishing ingredients added, such as aromatics, herbs, or butter.This method is the cornerstone of many well known sauces and gravies. The resulting liquid can be seasoned and served on its own (sometimes called a jus), or with the addition of aromatic vegetables, such as onions or shallots, carrots and celery, or used as the base for a soup. The sauce can also be thickened by whisking in butter, through the addition of a starch, such as flour, cornstarch, or arrowroot, or simply simmered down with a steady heat to form a rich, concentrated reduction.
Dredging is an excavation activity or operation usually carried out at least partly underwater, in shallow seas or fresh water areas with the purpose of gathering up bottom sediments and disposing of them at a different location. This technique is often used to keep waterways navigable.It is also used as a way to replenish sand on some public beaches, where sand has been lost because of coastal erosion. Dredging is also used as a technique for fishing for certain species of edible clams and crabs, see fishing dredge.A dredger (or “dredge” as is the general usage in the Americas) is any device, machine, or vessel that is used to excavate and remove material from the bottom of a body of water. For example, a scoop attached to the end of a rope or pole by which a man can draw sediments up from the bottom of a pond is a dredger. Developing this idea further, a motorized crane equipped with a drag bucket or clamshell (grabber) that is used to scoop material from the bottom of a body of water is also a dredger. The crane could be located on the bank, or perhaps mounted on a barge. If the crane is mounted on a barge, the entire vessel is referred to as a dredger.[1]The process of dredging creates spoils (excess material), which are carried away from the dredged area. Dredging can produce materials for land reclamation or other purposes (usually construction-related), and has also historically played a significant role in gold mining. Dredging can create disturbance in aquatic ecosystems, often with adverse impacts.
Flambé is a cooking procedure in which alcohol is added to a hot pan to create a burst of flames. The word means flamed in French (thus, in French, flambé is a past participle; the verb is flamber).Flambéing is often associated with tableside presentation of certain liqueur-drenched dishes, such as Bananas Foster or Cherries Jubilee, when the alcohol is ignited and results in a flare of blue-tinged flame. However, flambéing is also a step in making coq au vin, and other dishes and sauces, using spirits, before they are brought to the table. By rapidly burning off the volatile alcohol, flambéing can infuse a dish with additional aroma and flavor, and moderates the harshness of raw, high-proof spirits. The flames result from the partial combustion of the flammable alcohol, which is quickly consumed, while some residual flavor remains.
Fold Usually egg whites or whipped cream are folded into a heavier mixture, for a souffle, cake, or pie filling. The lighter mixture is placed on top of the heavier mixture, then the two are combined by passing a spatula down through the mixture, across the bottom, and up over the top. This process continues until the mixtures are combined. This traps air into bubbles in the product, allowing baked goods to rise.
Parboil: A process of cooking food in boiling water for only a short amount of time to retain the color, to help preserve nutrients and to firm foods, such as vegetables. It is also used to prepare vegetables for canning or freezing and to tenderize them for further cooking processes. A Parboil procedure involves placing small quantities of food into a large amount of rapidly boiling water for the amount of time specified in the recipe. Food is added in small quantities so that the boiling process is not disturbed or decreased. If the food is not to be cooked again or if it is not to be served immediately or if it is to be canned or frozen, then the food should be plunged into a cold water bath (shocked), after being removed from the boiling water in order to stop any further cooking action. However, if further cooking is to occur immediately thereafter to the food just boiled, a cold bath is not necessary. This process may also be referred to as parcooking or parblanching.
Rolling boil When water is at a rolling boil, it has bubbles all over (not just on the sides) and it is boiling vigorously. Water will come to a boil - and to a rolling boil - faster if you cover the pot. Poaching is the process of gently simmering food in liquid, generally milk, stock or wine. Poaching is particularly suitable for delicate food, such as eggs, poultry, fish and fruit, which might easily fall apart or dry out. For this reason, it is important to keep the heat low and to keep the poaching time to a bare minimum, which will also preserve the flavor of the food. The poaching liquid is called court bouillon and a classical court bouillon consists of an acid (wine, lemon juice) and aromatics (bouquet garni and mirepoix). The liquid should ideally be around 160–185 °F (71.1–85 °C), but when poaching chicken, it is vital that the chicken reach an internal temperature of at least 165 °F (74 °C) in the core, in order to be ingested safely.
Roux /ˈruː/ (also rue or panada[1]) is a substance created by cooking wheat flour and fat (traditionally butter).It is the thickening agent of three of the mother sauces of classical French cooking: béchamel sauce, velouté sauce, and espagnole sauce.Clarified butter, vegetable oils, bacon drippings or lard are commonly used fats. It is used as a thickener for gravy, other sauces, soups and stews. It is typically made from equal parts of flour and fat by weight.[2] When used in Italian food, roux is traditionally equal parts of butter and flour.In Cajun cuisine, roux is made with bacon fat or oil instead of butter and dark brown in color, which lends much richness of flavor, albeit less thickening power. Central European cuisine uses lard (in its rendered form) or more recently vegetable oil instead of butter for the preparation of roux (which is called zápražka in Slovak, jíška in Czech, zasmazka in Polish, rántás in Hungarian and Mehlschwitze in German).
Scald means to heat a liquid, usually a dairy product, in a saucepan until it almost boils. It used to be an essential step in breadmaking, since heating would disable or denature some proteins in milk that interfered with yeast fermentation. That is no longer true of milk products. Now scalded milk is usually made and added to custards, puddings, and sauces.
Searing (or pan searing) is a technique used in grilling, baking, braising, roasting, sautéing, etc., in which the surface of the food (usually meat, poultry or fish) is cooked at high temperature so a caramelized crust forms. Similar techniques, browning and blackening, are typically used to sear all sides of a particular piece of meat, fish, poultry, etc. before finishing it in the oven. To obtain the desired brown or black crust, the meat surface must exceed 150 °C (300 °F), so searing requires the meat surface be free of water, which boils at around 100 °C (212 °F).
Soft peaks When a whisk is removed from a lightly whisked or whipped ingredient eg cream or egg whites, the mixture just stands up in points known as soft peaks, eg whip the cream until it forms soft peaks.
Stiff peaks - to beat egg whites or cream until it is fluffy enough that when whisk is removed the peaks that form hold their shape - at this stage it is often possible to turn the bowl upside down without the mixture falling out. A term describing the consistency of beaten egg whites or cream. When the beaters are removed from the mixture, the points will stand up straight.
Sweat In culinary terms, the word sweat means to cook something over low heat in a small amount of fat, usually in a covered pan or pot. The word sweat is often used to describe the way aromatic vegetables such as onions, carrots and celery are cooked prior to adding other ingredients. The objective in sweating vegetables is to soften them and release the moisture in them, not to brown them. This release of moisture is how the term sweat gets its name.Sweating is similar to sautéeing, with the difference being that in the latter technique, higher heat is used, and the food will often be browned. Sweating is more about softening, not browning.
Temper actually has two meanings. The first is a process of heating and cooling chocolate to form stable crystals. These crystals then assure that the chocolate will be firm at room temperature. The second meaning is to gently heat egg yolks before adding to a hot sauce by adding a small bit of the sauce and beating well. This technique prevents curdling.
Blanch The process of briefly cooking food in boiling water or steam and then immersing the food in ice cold water or frozen storage to stop the cooking process. Blanching brings out the color in vegetables and helps to maintain their nutritional value, which can be lost with overcooking. Blanching is also useful for loosening the skins of fruits and vegetables so that the skins can be removed easily. When blanched, food is heated to a temperature that is sufficient to decrease any enzyme activity that is occurring and effectively reducing the flavor or texture of the food.
Bouquet Garni A bundle of herbs and aromatics tied within sections of leek with cooking twine and simmered in stock to add flavor and aroma.

In addition to leeks, typical components of a bouquet garni are(Celery, fresh thyme, parsley stems ,bay leaf)The tied bundle is then suspended in the simmering stock at the end of a length of cooking twine, so that it can be easily retrieved.
B. Parts of a knife

C. different kinds of knives

d. different types of cutting
Squaring Off Your Items
Before cutting an item, we’re going to learn how to square off the item you’re about to cook. The idea is to get the item to a stage that allows your cuts to be done uniformly. We will use the carrot as an example, as it is the most common abnormally shaped item you will be using. A lot of the skills you will learn will leave you with a bunch of waste. This is not as bad as you think! Once you get into the routine of making your own stocks you will learn that much of the waste will be transformed into delicious stocks. These techniques put form and perfection first. Many chefs and cooks will tell you this method produces TOO much waste.
The Julienne Cut
The julienne cut is a type of stick-shaped cut that is very thin. Cut from a squared off item, you will then slice that item length-wise at a thickness of 1-2mm (1/16 in) leaving you with thin rectangular cuts. Then, take the thin slices and apply the same technique. You will end up with Julienne (Or matchstick) cuts!
The Brunoise Dice
The Brunoise dice is the smallest dice you can have. While you can mince to a smaller dimension, this method refers to the smallest uniform size available for dicing. This method is simple and only adds an additional step to the Julienne method. Take your julienne cuts and bunch them up with your hand. Then cut the julienne into equally shaped dice. That’s it! While simple, it does take a long time to master. Get crackin’!
The Small Dice
The small dice is similar to the brunoise, but it is slightly larger. Start by following the steps to Julienne your item. You want to slice your squared-off item at a thickness of 3mm. Now it’s only a matter of finishing off the dice as you would the Brunoise!

The Batonnet Cut

You’re probably starting to notice a pattern here. We start with squaring off our item, slicing it to the thickness desires, and then going from there. The batonnet is no different, but what the purpose of knowing these cuts are they are standard sizes that you’ll see in most professional recipes as well as recipes posted on TheCulinaryCook. Let’s continue. The Batonnet is no different, and we are aiming for a larger stick-cut. The batonnet is used when serving a larger potion of an item such as a vegetable side, to gain height in your dish, or to provide imposing linear appeal to an otherwise linear-absent dish.
The Medium Dice is derived from the Batonnet and the only added step is slicing the batonnet to produce cubes. This size is called a Medium Dice.
The Baton
The baton is the largest stick-cut you can cut. It is used for crudites and for presentation purposes. While not used as much as the rest, it is the foundation for the more common Large Dice.
A Large Dice Cut
The large dice is primarily used for stews, long-cooking dishes and for mirepoix in stocks. The large dice is important, because it is relatively quick, has a great imposing nature and looks professional. When cutting a large dice, you will tend to have a higher waste when trying to get nicely cut pieces using the method describing how to square off your item. Remember when doing any cutting or dicing to use the method best suited for your dish.
The Paysanne Cut
The paysanne cut is included here to show you that while cubed items are common, sometimes you would prefer a slimmer, flat, square item. This is called the Paysanne. This is achieved by creating your desired stick-cut size, then slicing thinly to produce a thin square. Typically used for larger cuts, this method can be applied to smaller cuts and dices as well.
The Chiffonade
The chiffonade is used when slicing very thin items such as herbs or leaf vegetables such as spinach. Cutting en chiffonade is a really simple process. Start by stacking the items you are looking to slice. Then roll up the items, producing a cigar-shaped roll. Once it’s rolled, start slicing to produce a nice chiffonade suitable for garnishing and other purposes. Paysanne cut Batonnet cut Brunoise cut Chiffonade cut

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...your good side but also your flaws and imperfection. To have a true friend is rare achievement now a days. Now, if you have one then you’re a lucky person. And I guess, I’m one of them. In my case, my bestfriend is my own cousin. She is, in a way, similar to me but also different at the same time. To start with, we are alike in the sense that we talk a lot about things that none of our friends are interested in, like instagram, blogs and youtubes. But somehow different when it comes to the types, she wants a colorful instagram feed and blog while i prefer black and white. Dressing up is both our hobby. Although, I was never into leggings and pants like my her but instead I wear shorts and dresses. Another reason is, both of us are single for we are now scared to get our hearts tore into pieces again, just like what happen with our last relationship. Though, I’m still considering of having a boyfriend, i hope, in the near future unlike her who kinda became of a “man-hater” that doesn’t like boys at all. In terms of attitude, me and my bestfriend mostly had differences than similarities. We always think before we react on a certain situation or dilemma. However, when it comes to handling those, it’s a different story. I don’t know how but she always take problems lightly and positively, no matter how small or big it is while I take mine negatively. It’s very funny that we have a common talent, that is talking non-stop. I’m very realistic and sarcastic like I’m always looking for...

Words: 479 - Pages: 2

Free Essay

Love Orange

...she describes as a love - orange. Although the death takes a lot of people around her, she sees the funeral as a vacation, a time to come out of the house and a break from her own world. She is smart but childish at the same time, that can only mean that she is older than 10 years, I would say that she where a teenager, because her grandparents where still alive. The girl, that we do not know the name of, often hides under the bed when strangers come by her grand parents house, where she lives. Every time strangers come by, she would say these words to her dog: “A world outside” (P 1 L 8), the dog is a bit redundant in the text, but still an object that is used to support the fact that she is a bit more like other people. She is different, and she thinks she lives in a ‘inside’ world, that is one of the reasons why her grandmother dressed her all white to the neighbours funeral, the other reason why she is dressed all white, is the fact that, she sees the place people come to in the second life, is a place filled with butterflies, sunlight and sweetness. As a symbol, white is the opposite of black that often is a symbol for evil. White is a colour associated with innocence, perfection, and as an angel. When she sees her...

Words: 707 - Pages: 3