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Discuss the Aeita Model Presented by Everett Rogers


Submitted By atukwei
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Discuss the AEITA model presented by Everett Rogers in diffusion of innovations. Present a 2 page discussion and post in your blog.

The AIETA model provides a process whereby customers or individual members of society go through a 5 point process in making a purchase pr adopting a service. This model was originally introduced by Everett Rogers in 1962 in his work – ‘Diffusion of Innovations’. This model was further developed by Krugmann in 1977. This model follows what communication experts refer to as ‘Hierarchy of Effects’.

The AIETA model illustrates the processes a customer or an individual in terms of awareness, interest, evaluation, trial and adoption. The name is subsequently derived from the acronym. The model explains that an individual is initially made aware of a product or service by way of promotion and these includes teaser campaigns, jingles, internet banners, and demonstrations. This later develops into interest over time with ongoing promotional activities such as information ads and news coverage. Following interest, an individual begins to evaluate and affirm his decision on the product or service. Further curiosity through the promotional mix is then generated which leads an individual to a trial of the product or service. This may eventually result in the adoption of the said item or service.

The ‘Diffusion of Innovation theory serves as the foundation of the principles of the AEITA model. Diffusion of Innovations theory is when an innovation is communicated through certain channels over time among the members of a social system. Just like the AEITA model, the diffusion theory provides a 5 step process on which an individual makes an innovation-decision. These steps are;
Knowledge – person becomes aware of an innovation and has an idea of how it functions.
Persuasion – person forms a favourable or unfavourable attitude toward the innovation.
Decision – person engages in activities that lead to choice to adopt or reject the innovation.
Implementation - person puts the innovation into use
Confirmation – person evaluates the results of an innovation-decision already made.

A feature of the diffusions theory is the influence of the media and opinion leaders as channels of communication. Their endorsements of innovations or an idea is significant to the target audience as they can significantly influence decision making of members of society. Diffusion scholars have also gone on to characterize five categories of system member innovativeness, within which members of society are grouped in the innovation decision and adoption process. These are the innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority and the laggards.
The AEITA model can be said to have been formulated on the theory of Diffusion of Innovations. The backbone of this theory is the communication of a new idea to its adoption.

Everett Rogers, Diffusion of Innovations, 2003

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