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Diversity and Women in the Marketplace


Submitted By giuliag
Words 2267
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| 2013 | | |

[DIVERSITY AND WOMEN IN THE WORKPLACE] | Discuss the issues involved in increasing diversity and women’s position in the workplace in an International context, exploring recent developments in a specific country. |
Gribaudo Giulia
BBA-Finance at European School of Economics of London
Year 2 term 2
MODULE NAME : Cross Cultural Communication & Management
MODULE TUTOR : Finlayson Ian

Gribaudo Giulia
BBA-Finance at European School of Economics of London
Year 2 term 2
MODULE NAME : Cross Cultural Communication & Management
MODULE TUTOR : Finlayson Ian



"The world of humanity has two wings one is women and other man. Not until both wings are equally developed can the bird fly" (Arora, 2011, p.1)
Starting from this quotation will be analysed as it has evolved the role of women in time, and wanting to do this we will use first of all the support of the writers and authors that gradually, over time, have told stories in which were described these female figures in different ways because they reflect the stereotype of the period in which the author lived, up to the present day.
Therefore we will analyse the current position of women in society, and how it changes in relation to the State they live in and the culture that surrounds it, comparing them through statistical studies referring to the Hofstede gender model.


There are few female voices that are raised in the course of literary history, and not only. These women are isolated; they belong to a particular social status through which they can, through it, to stay ahead of the rigidity of the rules of what was a male system, to all effects.
The first female figure in literature comes from the Greek far-off lands: Sappho, a poet who lived on the island of Lesbos and whose fame has crossed the centuries up to the present day. Despite the fame, it would be a mistake to see her as an early feminist figure, because she remained and was subject to a male-dominated literary canon. In Rome, however, compared to the Greek world, women enjoy greater respect but runs out only within the home and family life: in particular, are raised for their task as educators who are taking at that time, but remain always in the shadow of the male reference.
During the Middle Ages are entering in the world of letters more female figures, aided by the great role played by religion in that period, but only after the Renaissance began their climb to the social and literary success. First among all to recognize the potentiality of women was Ariosto that, starting from Sappho, wrote in the Orland Furious “Ben mi par di veder che al secol nostro / tanta virtù fra belle donne emerga, / che può dare opra a carte ed ad inchiostro, / perché nei futuri anni si disperga"( "Well I think I see that in our age / much virtue among beautiful women emerge, / that can give deed cards and ink, / because in future years disperse ")(xx, vv. 17-20). The next two centuries consolidated so the new figure that was being created and that only during the time of "the Enlightenment" emerged definitively. We are thus witnessing a sort of literary female emancipation that exploits the social upheaval, economic and political order to succeed, but that is fictitious, since it is not complemented by social emancipation.
With the advance of the century women's literature is varied: the cradle of this new feeling is England, that is the birthplace of authors such as Virginia Woolf, Jane Austen, the Bronte sisters and many others which help to delineate what was the figure women at the time, describing the context, customs and different mentalities in this area. There is therefore faced with a real statement in the literary field, while from the social and political point of view, we have to wait until after the second world wars.


The 1979 represented a fundamental step for the rights and opportunities of women, who are formally put on the same level as men through the CEDAW (the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women), composed of 30 articles and that, once accepted by the Member subscribers, mean eliminate all forms of discrimination by public institutions through training and tribunals to ensure their aspect not only formal but also real, as well as elimination of any discriminatory act by people, institutions or organizations. In addition, by signing, the member states are legally bind to a series of actions designed to give effect to the Convention and to be subject to controls at least once every four years .
Using the data collected in the different states it is possible to compare not only numerical but that complaint and emphasizes of a social condition. One of the key aspects that reflect the condition social female is given by the level of unemployment compared with that of men over the years.
At first glance one might say that the female unemployment has increased, as you can see in figure 2, with the only exception of Italy, while the male has had a significant reduction and growth during the years. In reality, however, this increase in unemployment is not an entirely negative aspect, because the circle of the unemployed are covered by those who have lost their jobs, those who are looking for him, or, more generally, those who are willing to work but in reality not may for external conditions, such as for example the policy of the home country.

Fig. 1: Unemployment rates of men. Source: IZA institute for the study of Labour

Fig. 2: Unemployment rates of women. Source: IZA institute for the study of Labour

If you read the graph, in this sense you can easily understand why there has been an increase in female unemployment. In other words, over the years, the social status of women has changed, more and more of them have expressed a desire to work, moving away from the stereotype of the housewife, and then increasing the number of unemployed, and therefore in this regard shows not a loss of female jobs, but an increase in the desire to belong to the labour force of the country. Of note, the same trend occurs, in a more or less striking, in all countries of the G7.


After a struggle for equality and, in this case, the equality of the gender, there are still disparities experienced daily are not perceived, but in reality are very present and live and find strength through this routine. There are special categories of women who are most affected every day: pregnant women, those with children, women of colour and older women.
Considering for example the first case, that of pregnant women, one could say that there are laws that ensure fair treatment, ensure that adequate insurance, an adequate number of permits for medical examinations, as well as the safety of not be dismissed during pregnancy or shortly after. But the underlying problem still exists, because in the minds of all means that at least for one year the person concerned will not be considered for any kind of social climbing career, although maybe a job well done, or to preside over new positions relief. At the same time also the wages undergoes, generally, an arrest.

Fig.1 : 2012 Executive Officer Positions Source: 2012 Catalyst Census: Fortune 500 Women Executive Officers and Top Earners

Fig.2: 2012 Executive Officer Top Earner Positions Source: 2012 Catalyst Census: Fortune 500 Women Executive Officers and Top Earners

As the graphs show, the difference is unfortunately not only superficial and not just about the way we perceive a given situation or condition, but it is statistically significant, especially when the same work and tasks have a difference in salary around the 15%.

In one of the countries in which the demographic structure is statistically the oldest in the world, it is hard to think of a change as fast as the effective figure of the woman, and this mentality is reflected primarily on the rate of female employment lower than the average European Union for each age group. Very important is also the difference between the number of quotas for women employed in the north and those in the south. In a breakdown like this where the woman seeking work starts already at a disadvantage compared to a man, only the graduates have a better chance of getting the job.
Fig.1: Employment rate for women 15-65 years by region 2005. Source: Istat, RCFL
The politicians themselves are evidence of the age of the "Bel Paese", as they call it, and women's participation in it, as written in the New York Times by Chiara Volpato, has a purely “decorative role” and also in minority if compared to male participation.
Recently, however, we have witnessed a turn, demanded in a loud voice by the Italian people, and that is continuing to this days. After twenty years of “government thieves”, people have had enough and the new elections, that took place the 26th February of 2013, saw a new party spokesman, alone, of a common feeling of 25% of the population. The first change was the appointment as President of the Chamber of Laura Boldrini, a figure that is no longer linked to the old policy but represents a new hope and the new role of the woman’s figure with the values that brings, thanks also to her previous position at the UN and the UNHCR.
During the same election campaign has also been able to see a greater degree by the old political faces with regard to equal opportunities, such as Pier Luigi Bersani, secretary of the Democratic Party, who presented in one of his 8-point program committed to the implementation of laws for the protection and prevention of women.
Another point on which we need to turn, it is the very notion of equality that we have. Taking as reference the Italian case previously studied, we can make a reflection about the minimum level of female representation that the parties have set: 40%. If there were truly gender equality should not impose rates, there would be a fair meritocracy that does not look at face or gender, because in this way, having to reach a minimum threshold high, you are likely to trigger the effect opposite to invest charges also important personalities who are not properly prepared


Despite the new policy and the wind of change that requires the people, if we compare Italy to other European countries you can see a big gap, in this case, in terms of equal opportunities. And has been shown at the meeting of the 57th "Commission on the Status of Women" of the United Nations, which lasted 4th to 15th of March 2013, which was attended by women known in Italian politics, as Elsa Fornero (Minister of Labour) and Susanna Camusso (General Secretary of the CGIL), but which in reality were inadequate and spokesmen of a situation that has emerged mainly from contact with other groups, like the Norwegian, Austrian and Zambian. As you can see from these states "advanced", the turning point must come through the union of activists with institutions, such as support for a concrete struggle, and it is for this reason that they are presented to the meeting accompanied by magistrate and institutional representatives (Luisa Betti, 24th march 2013).

Reference * Shweta, Arora. "Women Empowrement: A Reality or Myth." Journal of Social and Psychological Sciences 4.2 (2011): n. pag.
<Http://> Web. 21 Mar. 2013. * Ariosto, Lodovico. “Orlando Furioso.” Vol. XX, vv 17-22. Milano: R. Ricciardi, 1954. Print. 30th March.2013 * "Text of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women."UN News Center. UN, Web. 02 Apr. 2013. * "CEDAW: Country Reports." UN News Center. UN, Web. 02 Apr. 2013. <>. * "IZA - Institute for the Study of Labor." IZA News RSS. , Web. 03 Apr. 2013. <>. * “IZA- Institute for the Study of Labor.” IZA News RSS., Web. 03 Apr. 2013. <<>> * Catalyst. “Catalyst Quick Take: Statistical Overview of Women in the Workplace.” New York: Catalyst, 13 March 2013. Web. 03 Apr. 2013 . <<>> * ISTAT, RCFL. Rep. ƒ Istat, Rapporto Annuale 2005, 2005. Web. 4 Apr. 2013. <<>> * Volpato, Chiara. “Women's 'Decorative Role'” New York Times (2011). 30 June 2011. Web. 4 Apr. 2013.
* Betti, Luisa. "Carta Onu Su Violenza Contro Le Donne, L’Italia E Bersani." Weblog post.Articolo21 RSS. Il Manifesto, 24 Mar. 2013. <>.. Web. 04 Apr. 2013

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