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Submitted By Ashliekane
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Candace Kane
Dr. Patti M. Parsons
Dre 098

19 February 2015
The Digital Age
Digital tools are having a positive and a negative effect on society. Sherry Turkle’s article, “The Flight From Conversation,” and Evan Selinger’s article, ”Humans Are Already
More Enhanced By Technology Then We Realize,” both argue that society needs to change their technology habits. ue to the accessibility and power of digital tools worldwide, people now rely
on these devices too much for important information, society is overly dependent upon technology, and a phenomena called ambient awareness is developing.
People rely on technology too much for important information. People did not know what to do with computers at first, but now computers are becoming more popular than ever.
Technology has changed drastically over the years so much that technology is used for about everything, from the registers at the stores, to the televisions and such in the waiting rooms of hospitals. Humans are becoming more enhanced by technological advances that are happening in everyday life. For example, everyone is connected to some sort of device if you go to a public place like a library.
Human relationships suffer from technology. For instance, when people are connected to their gadgets all the time acquaintances do not want to stop to say hello, because they feel like they are going to bother them. People control who they let in keeping others at bay. Turkle states

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that “
The Goldilocks effect” is a way to keep companions at a distance, not too close not to far, but just right (3).
Society is overly dependent on technology. People think that if they connect in “sips”
According to Turkle, that it will keep them more connected to the acquaintances and family that they have (2). Allowing the ability to adjust what people say through a text or email, so they will receive quicker replies. Instead of talking to friends or family about their problems people may decide to talk about their problems to “computer simulators as psychiatrists” according to Turkle
When people are alone they fidget, and become very anxious about reaching for a device.
If someone does not have their gadgets on them they will still check for them anyways due to something called phantom vibration, where they feel like they received a message when they really did not. Constant connection can make people lonely.
People seem to notice how others are feeling through a status on social media. Selinger states that “
Ambient Awareness” is a way for companions to notice the things that are going on around them (4). For instance, when a friend is apprehensive about something going on in their life that is oblivious to them but obvious to others without actually saying anything. Everyone will change what they say so they will not be judged. Technology is everywhere which can be distracting to everyone. People expect more from technology and less from one another but seem increasingly drawn to technologies that provide the illusion of companionship without the demands of a relationship. Everyone seems more interested in their devices than they do the things and people

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around them. So many people have been afraid of communicating with others that they do not know how to have a conversation.
Technology is everywhere there is no escaping it. People text and drive at their own risk, regardless of who is in the vehicle with them. Car accidents happen everyday, more than likely caused by being distracted. Children watch what their parents do, which causes them to think it is ok to drive while distracted. Technological advances gives everyone access to the internet, even at the drive thru of
Mcdonalds. Children do not know what it is like to be lonely because parents shove tablets or phones in their face in order to pacify the child's demands. The way most children learn about technology is watching their parents be constantly connected, even when families come to pick up their children at the schools, the kids notice the parents scrolling through Facebook or Emails.
In other words everyone is constantly connected no matter where they go. For instance most places have it where you can instantly connect to wireless internet for free so this means that the business associate can work on his or her project for work while waiting on a meal or their car at the auto mechanics.
Therefore human relationships suffer with how much technology is becoming more accessible. Technology has changed so much over the years. Due to the accessibility and power of digital tools worldwide, people now rely on these devices too much for important information, society is overly dependent upon technology, and a phenomena called ambient awareness is developing. Everyone should be more aware on how much technology they use a day. People should put down their devices to become more connected through face to face human relationships. Kane 4

Works Cited

Selinger, Evan. "Humans Are Already More Enhanced by Technology Then We Realize.” The
Citizens Guide to the Future (2013): n. pag. Web. 4 Oct. 2013.
Turkle, Sherry.”The Flight From Conversation.” New York times (2012): n. pag. Web. 21 Apr.

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