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Submitted By rochellemojica
Words 671
Pages 3
Chapter 3


This chapter shows the research procedure that were used

the study and conduct of the research. These are showed in the

following sections (a) research design (b) respondent of the study

(c) research instruments (d) administration of the instruments and

(e) statistical treatment of the data.

Research Design

The study were used the descriptive method of research to

collect and gathered some useful and important ideas and

information about the topic which is related to the present situation

and conditions. The purpose of this research is to know and verify

formulated hypothesis which refers to the present situations. This

method of research is easy, fast and practical when it comes on

financial aspects. This study used a flexible approach in order to

have a further investigations during the conduct of the said research.

The researcher was chose and decided to use this type of

research to show and explain the nature and conditions of the

present situations. The researcher was able to get flexible data. The

researcher was given to use two options ( qualitative or quantitative )

in choosing the instrument for data gathering. The researcher aimed

to know and determined how the children spending times with their

friends and peers and how it may affect with their relationship with

other. The researcher conducted as well the study about the children

study habit. How do they develop their study habit and the import-

ance of developing study habit for their success.

The researcher conducted an interview with students of

Southville International School and Colleges as respondent in order

to collect or gather useful and relevant data. The descriptive method

was used to identify the similarities and differences of the students

responses. All their answers were used as a resource of data. The

type of data were being used obtained from published documents

and literature.

Respondent of the Study

The respondent of the research were Grade six students

From Southville international School and Colleges. The survey quest-

ionnaire was used as the main instrument for data gathering. It was

divided in to two main section, a profile and a survey profile. The

researcher was able to know and fully understand why human being

needs friends and the beneficial effects of having study habits.

Research Instrument

Self made questionnaire used by the researcher to gathered the

Needed information and data. The profile part was used to know the

Way on how the respondent spending times with their friends and

How much time did they spend hanging around with their friends.

How important is having study habit and how much time did they

Used in reviewing their lessons. The survey part included 20 questions.

The 10 questions were for the survey about Spending times with

friends and the other 10 were for the survey in study habit. The

questionnaire was in the Likert Scale that allow the respondent to

understand and answered the questions easily. Lastly this research

instrument helped and allowed the researcher to carry out the

quantitative approach effectively with the use of statistic for data

Data Interpretation for Times Spent with Friends

------------------------------------------------- Likert Scale Interpretation Index
5 always
4 frequently
3 seldom
2 occasionally
1 never

Data Interpretation for Study Habits

------------------------------------------------- Likert Scale Interpretation Index
5 excellent
4 very good
3 average
2 below average
1 poor

Administration of the Instrument

The researcher distributed the questionnaire to students of

Grade six as respondent from Southville International School 10

students from each section were randomly chosen in order to

gather related and proper data. Certain ethical issues were addressed

as it’s required for the participation of the respondents. The re-

searcher made sure that all important details of the study were made

known by the student. The aim and purpose of the study were fully

explained and discussed for the respondent to understand why the

survey is being conducted, and to understand the importance of

their fully cooperation and participation. The students were not

forced to participate, consent and confidentiality were considered

during the conduct of the study.

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