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Do You Think It Is Possible to End Extreme Poverty in the Next 30 Years?


Submitted By lucillea
Words 1043
Pages 5
It is possible to end extreme poverty in the next 30 years. As a single mother of two boys, ages 6 and 4; having had several swings in employment and letting an entrepreneurial pursuit take off, life could take a toll if one would not step back, take a deep breath and write down the challenge and address possible solutions. When I was placed in custody for close to two months for an allegation that I passed on an insufficient check, I pointed out during hearing that the signature was not mine, rationalizing,” if I handed the check, my driver’s license should have been there, but look at your file, it’s a man’s ID. Look at the “P” stroke; doesn’t it match with that in the signature in the driver’s license? “The Prosecutor says, “Uh, I don’t know. I’m not a signature specialist.” After going through 6 months of completing the fraud packet and forensics investigation of the signature analysis, the case was dismissed. For the meantime, one would probably think I went rock bottom. It was a challenge finding employment with the background check and disclosures one has to make.
As I meditated and applied the mind development technique I have learned through the years, I decided to weed out the negativity and attract the goodness. I accept the hardships in life and the opportunities to make me a stronger, empowered creature of God so I can be a model in His image and likeness. From the unemployment bureau to the Department of Social Services, I sought help. I volunteered for the Greater Avenues for Independence Source. Under President Obama’s stimulus program to help Women in Minority Business Entrepreneurs, a local city pays the salary for the GAIN participant to gain experience. As I had a flash of insight that I went rock bottom, I addressed the message and replied, “Yes, I’ve hit rock bottom, let me start all over again.”
As the famous adage goes, “life begins at 40.” When my former spouse declares that I move on with my life as he has moved on. When the leadership at the Navy Operational Support Center who I served the US Navy for 8 years orders that the leadership will not allow me to re-enlist because of a “do not retain” in my last evaluation report; an allegation which I protested were not true, only to be counseled “sometimes, people say or hear when it is not actually what was meant, so, it’s not a big deal, just sign it and don’t make a big deal out of it.” At a civilian workforce, where a set hour per week is expected from us, it wasn’t necessarily what was expected from the employer. If the conversation rate of sales closure was not meeting the number, they would send you home. As one thinks outside the box to apply a technique learned from a trainer learned during nesting, it was a “damn if you do, damn if you don’t” oxymoron. After a year, my supervisor later counsels to stop such practice effective May 18, 2011. I agreed and he agreed, moving forward. On June 6, higher management antedates transactions all the way back from May 5. As I rationalized departure of standard practice, and the fact that moving forward from counsel date, such technique was not done any longer. The Operating Manager reasons, “Your supervisor kind of jumped the gun on that, this is totally unacceptable, HR decides to let you go.”
Going to school while going through the sealing of records of the arrest, which I was informed will take months is an alternate way to wait out. The Title IV incentives, grants, financial aid, opportunities such as these philanthropists’ mind evoking essay scholarship offer will help one get through the stepping stones one has to step in order to cross a pond.

In order to get, one must get. The more you put out, the more you get. Just like when you go through the Smith’s groceries chain of supermarket in Las Vegas. As more inventories are put out on display, the more choices one has to pick and choose.
Poverty is a mindset, being broke is temporary. There are resources available out there if one seeks them and not be defeated by self-pity. I’m glad I have indulged in self-pity during my younger days so I can tell the difference when you are now on your own, in a foreign land, away from your family, your parents. When one is reticent, discover from within with the enlightenment from the Higher Source, a path will lead you to way to be bountiful if one desires to be.
During homily, a priest once shared, “to travel in life, one must fix a flat tire. Some flat tires cannot be fixed but needs replacement.” For over eight years of supporting an enterprising significant other, after all the sacrifices been gone through, as soon as he enjoyed the fruits of the labor and decides to share the reap of the harvest of his new, younger, “hotter” lucky charm, put you on jail for forging your signature, I’ve made a pact to keep my head up high.
As I stopped by an intersection at Veteran Ave. and a homeless man’s cart hit my front right signal light, instead of getting mad and cussing him out, I pondered. He looked like a veteran to me with his sign. He served this country, this nation. What went on in his life? Did his family and friends abandon him, or did he abandon them?
As I have experienced how my own Executive Officer at the Navy Reserve Center not observe the Bill of Right, innocent unless proven guilty, one is entitled to the due process of law,” reality is really, guilty unless proven innocent. I was charged with multiple allegations, which were all dismissed and no further action taken. Forces tried to dampen my spirit yet I refuse to entertain poverty. One must strive to become better. Year after year, resources will be there for one to tap, until the next 30 years.

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