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Does Birth Order Matter Thesis

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Birth order does not affect a person’s life because if the children are all treated the same they can all be successful and not be considered a “rebel”. Soon you will read my argument against the article “Does Birth Order Matter (Reality Central,pg.40).” You will see my perspective on the argument, and my opinion about birth order, and how I strongly believe that birth order does not affect a person’s life. George Washington was an extremely successful man but he also happens to be a middle child. Peyton Manning is overwhelmingly successful, but he also happens to be a middle child. Lastly, I am a pretty successful 6th grader, also a middle child, but I am not a “rebel”.
George Washington, which was one famous middle child, was a leader of the American Revolution. That role needs great leadership because, there were many, many men about to go fight in a huge catastrophic morbid war. That was just another success for Washington to lead a tragic war for seven years and to have such a victory. George is extremely famous and was very successful which, argues with my opinion.
Peyton Manning, who is a very successful and talented football player, who happens to be a middle child. “Not many quarterbacks throw a football …show more content…
George Washington was very successful and led the American Revolution. Peyton Manning became very successful from his football career. I am successful with my school work and I am not a “rebel”. I believe this topic and my argument against the topic is important because if someone or something tells you something about yourself that doesn’t make it true. You know yourself better than anyone

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