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Submitted By MMaashhh
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1. Assessment Information | Title | Assessment task 3 | Type | Role Play – Resolving Conflict | Assessment Number | 3 of 3 | Due Date | Week 14 – 16 Marks 25 | General Information | Decision Making RulesAll assessment criteria within the task must be satisfactorily completed for the task to be assessed as satisfactorily completed.Reasonable adjustmentA student may request reasonable adjustment for assessment tasks by contacting AccessAbility Services. Consideration will then be given by the teacher for the methods by which evidence is collected. However, the evidence criteria for making competent/not yet competent decisions (and/or awarding grades) must be the same irrespective of the group and/or individual being assessed.Reasonable adjustment usually involves varying: * the processes for conducting the assessment (eg: allowing additional time, varying the venue) * the evidence gathering techniques (eg: oral rather than written questioning, use of a scribe, modifications to equipment)Special ConsiderationStudents can apply for special consideration if personal circumstances or illness have adversely affected their result in an assessment, or their ability to undertake an assessment. If they wish to seek special consideration, a special consideration form must be completed no later than 3 days after the due date of the assessment and submitted to the relevant Senior Educator.Re-submission if not satisfactorily completed Assessment tasks that are not satisfactory can be resubmitted. Resubmission must occur prior to the last scheduled class on the Unit Outline.For graded units: re-submitted tasks must be satisfactorily completed before marks can be allocated to a maximum of 50%. Late submission of assessment tasks Assessment tasks that are late can be submitted until the last scheduled class on the Unit Outline.For graded units: When an assessment task has been submitted after the due date without special consideration being granted, a maximum of only 50% can be achieved.NOTE: Assessment tasks submitted for the first time after the last class as scheduled on the Unit Outline will not be assessed and the student will be required to re-enrol in the unit.PlagiarismThere are serious penalties for plagiarism. Students must ensure that all assessments are their own work (or group work). Please refer to |

2. Student and Assessor Instructions | Conditions | This assessment is an individual assessment task. However you will need to work in groups of 4 students to complete the task. Students are required to use information provided in class, Blackboard and other resources such as the internet and texts to complete the assessment.All questions must be answered/covered in your assessment. All questions must be answered satisfactorily to pass the assessment.Harvard referencing must be used to acknowledge work other than your own | Task Overview and/or Description | 20 minutes minimumASSESSMENT DESCRIPTIONThe ability to come into an organisation or situation, assess it and make recommendations or a course of action is vital for HR practitioners. This case study provides the situation and the opportunity for students to identify and document the problems, legislation and strategies to deal with the issues.ASSESSMENT INSTRUCTIONS – Using the Case Study from Assessment 1 – Technical Instruments Pty Ltd You are to group yourselves into groups of 4 students for this role play. Two of you will be representing the 100 manufacturing employees and the remaining two of you will be representing the company. On the company side, one of you will be Jim and the other the HR Manager who is doing the consulting work. Jim does not have a union represented on his site so far. The employer representativesYou are meeting with Jim for the first time with your list of demands to the organisation. As per assignment 1 – there have been a number of issues in the organisation, and you wish to notify him that unless he agrees to a employee consultation committee, you and your representative members (50 or so of them out of 100 manufacturing workers) are going to join the union, so that you can be properly represented by the union. At the moment there is no consultative process in the organisation, or grievance procedure, and you are not getting any company updates, or news. Some of the 100 manufacturing workers are really feeling vulnerable, and are looking at leaving. The purpose of your meeting with Jim and HR is to advise them, that you want their commitment to this regular consultation committee. You will NOT give any guarantees that the site and employees remain union free, as this is not a commitment you can give. However what you can advise is that the 50 of the 100 employees have elected you to speak for them on their behalf and they have created a list of demands for the business also. You would like these to be heard, and get Jims agreement that you can continue to make these demands via the consultative committee on a regular basis. The team needs to do the following: 1. Brainstorm a list of issues and demands that you have for Jim and HR and make a list of what is most important to you, as well as getting Jim to agree on the consultative committee process first. 2. You will need to find out which union will cover you and your type of employees. Look up the relevant industrial awards at Fair Work to establish which award covers you, and then the relevant union. You can advise them that if you do not get what you want, you will be contacting the relevant union. 3. Agree on what you want for this first meeting as an outcome, and make sure you all agree, on what you do not want to happen too! 4. All role plays will need to end with some agreement in something. Otherwise they are a failure. The employers (Jim and HR Manager)JimYou are disappointed that there seems to be a need for a small group of people who are making trouble and seem to want to get heard. You believe that everyone is well paid well above award wages, this is why you do not subscribe to working off industrial awards, and you feel there is no need for a union on this site. You are aware that the Manufacturing manager Bob Jones has been away, and may not be communicating to the Assemblers and Tradespeople as much as he should. Anyway there is no proof that the two employee representatives, actually represent or speak for any of the 100 manufacturing employees concerned, so you do not believe that they are elected to do so, but are just trouble makers themselves. What you want is to understand what their issue is and have them get back to work really. The business is going well, and there is plenty of work for everyone to do. In fact there are a few opportunities with vacancies as a few people have left, but you do not see this as any indicator of employees being unhappy. You are happy to communicate with the factory manager and he can pass on the news, to his shift leaders, and the shift leaders can pass it on to the staff. You are open to suggestions on how we can improve production and get more done, but you do not want unnecessary meetings. The HR Manager You are not surprised that there is a group wanting to get heard and that they have asked for a meeting with you and Jim. Since you have arrived on site recently, there seems to be a lack of systems, policy and procedures for getting grievances heard. You know that a union is out of the question for Jim, so you need to assist Jim with some ideas on making sure this meeting does not get out of hand, and mediating between the two parties for some type of resolution. There seems so much to do in this organisation, as it has grown rapidly and not everyone is happy. However they are paid well above Award rates of pay, and have good conditions of employment, with a great lunch room, and adequate breaks. You are keen to hear their concerns, so that you can add this to your list to speak to Jim about anyway.The Role play 1. All 4 members of the team need to prepare and plan, and decide who will be playing which role. 2. Then the teams need to split up and plan separately for this meeting. 3. The role play MUST be live and realistic, so you will need to ensure it is as real as possible, with real reactions. Otherwise you will be marked down for this. 4. Review the consultation process inside your text book (Rod Jones, Manage Human Resources Services Undertaking Negotiations – page 422 and Guidelines for negotiators page 427 before you start. | Submission Details | All role plays will be conducted in class from week 14 to week 16.Groups of 4 students will be allocated a class time to present their role play to the class.Role plays will be played out for a minimum of 20 minutes.This assessment is worth 25% and individuals will still be assessed separately within the team and their individual contribution, and involvement in the role play. Teams need to conduct a realistic role play and come to at least one outcome with the parties. |

1. Assessment Criteria | All assessment criteria within the task must be satisfactorily completed for the task to be assessed as satisfactorily completed. Assessment Criteria | Not Submitted | Unsatisfactory | Satisfactory | Marks allocated | 1. The individual student was organised, had notes and came prepared for the role-play. | | | | 5 | 2. The student spoke when it was their turn and made their points of concern heard | | | | 5 | 3. It was clear that the student had followed the negotiations guidelines and understood the process. | | | | 5 | 4. The role play was realistic and the list of concerns was clearly articulated, or responded to. | | | | 5 | 5. Individuals made a genuine attempt to resolve the matter, and or came to agreement. | | | | 5 | Total Mark | | | | 25 | Feedback to StudentIf there are any items marked not submitted or unsatisfactory then the student must re-submit prior to the last class. | | |

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