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Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.: Letter From Birmingham Jail

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Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.: Letter from Birmingham Jail
It is necessary for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to make the distinction between just and unjust laws to justify their actions of civil disobedience at the time. King describes to the clergymen that there are two types of laws; those that are just and those that are unjust.
Dr. King begins by stating that he does not advocate the disobedience of just laws simply because “One has not only a legal but moral responsibility to obey just laws,” meaning that when a citizen knows that a law is in effect, they have to either follow it or face the punishments that come with breaking the law. Martin Luther King describes a just law as “a man-made code that squares with the moral law or the law of …show more content…
King states that citizens also have the “moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws.” He even declares that he agrees with St. Augustine’s view that “an unjust law is no law at all.” In all reality, if the government situates a law that forces a group of people feel inferior to another, it is almost certain that they will oppose it. King labels an unjust law as “a code that is out of harmony with the moral law” and that “any law that degrades human personality is unjust.” He uses himself as a model when he explains his arrest for not possessing a permit when he was parading. There is not anything wrong with not having a permit to parade, but that law does becomes unjust when it is being used against him to prevent him and others to the privilege of peaceful assembly and protest, when that is the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. When a law like that is used to maintain segregation it is clear that it is unjust. If people are willing to accept the consequences that come from breaking a law, it really does say a lot about what they are disposed to do to be granted their rights and their equality, and that is what Martin Luther King is trying to say to get his point across to the

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