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Dynasties In Ancient China

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In Ancient China, there are said to have been approximately 19 dynasties, the first being the Xia Dynasty, and ruling from 2070- 1600 BCE. Dynasties were ruled by a King, and under him are Feudal Lords who ruled provinces and regions on behalf of the King. The rise of the Xia dynasty was in 2070 BCE and was founded by Yu the Great. Before Yu, China was ruled by leader chosen by ability. Yu chose his son, Qi, to rule after him, thus establishing the hereditary system of succession within China.
Yu worked for 13 years to control the flooding of the Yellow River. It is said that he was so dedicated to his work, that for 13 years he did not return to his home. Others were inspired by his dedication to his work, and began to follow him after he …show more content…
The tales told of him being intelligent and immensely strong. It is told that he invaded Youshi, (modern day Shandong Province), for a women called Meixi, for her beauty, later she is believed to have turned the King evil. He then went on to invade Minshan (modern day Sichuan Province), and made them pay large amounts of gold and precious stones, as well as two maidens, Wan and Yan. He also conquered the state of Min (southwestern Shandong) and enslaved its entire population. Back in his own county, it is said, Jie made his subjects build lavish and expensive places of entertainment as well as palaces. One such building was built so high, it was said that it was on the verge of collapse and is turn was called Qinggong- the Tottering Palace. To enhance his palaces beauty, Jie ordered his people to send him rare tressures and the most beautiful women from the common population. He was said to have 3,000 dancing women alone. Jie once spent 100 days without seeing his ministers; and once a minister confronted him, Jie simply replied with “Everything under heaven belongs to me. I am the sun in the sky. Will the sun ever be extinguished?’ and he continued on with his days of carousing. Another minister name Guan Longfeng confronted him but a few days later, showing him a scroll, upon with was a portrait of Yu the Great. He then went on to tell Jie that he should bear in mind

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