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Early Jamestown Summary

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Ashley Glover
History Midterm
1. The first Europeans to come across North America were the Norse. They are better known today as the Vikings. Leaf Erikson, the leader, led the group of Vikings to North America looking for money and resources. However, no profit was found. On the other hand, though the Vikings did encounter Native Americans and called them Skraelings. Even though no profit was found the Vikings chose to bargain with the natives. Unfortunately, they left due to the fighting that occurred between them and the Natives. It is now five hundred years later and a man named Christopher Columbus is looking for a direct trade route to Asia. He begins searching for place that will fund his voyage. He goes to England first, and they …show more content…
You may be wondering why the English did not get involved sooner. This is because England had inner problems with religion and warfare. In 1606 Queen Elizabeth the first released a royal Charter. The cities in England started to become overpopulated, crime ridden, and filthy. Two charters set sail for America in 1606.They were the Virginia Company of Plymouth and the Virginia Company of London. In 1607 Jamestown is established. Unfortunately, Jamestown is a swamp full of mosquitos and this caused half of the people to fall ill and die. During the stay in Jamestown many of the settlers are not expecting to stay long. During the time the settlers should have been gathering and making plans for winter, they were out in search for gold. Many people began to die .Thankfully, the Powhatan Confederacy helped save the last fifty people. The next people that come to Jamestown are two women. From here the population increases greatly. To make sure that the settlement does not dwindle back down the colonist set guidelines. This is where we get the famous quote from John Smith that says“He that shall not work will be he that shall not eat.” However, yet again the colony starts to run into more problems. Between 1609 and 1610 animosity begins to grow between the Indians and English. From this no trade is able to take place. In 1610 Jamestown is starving and only 65 were left after winter. Many people became desperate and resorted to Cannibalism. When all hope seems almost gone a shipment arrives and helps Jamestown

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