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Earth Day


Submitted By kgarcia
Words 425
Pages 2
Earth Day

I think one of the biggest environmental problems we face worldwide is air pollution. Air pollution is the presence in the atmosphere of any substance at a concentration great enough to produce an undesirable effect on humans, animals, vegetation, or materials, or to significantly alter the natural balance of any ecosystem. Air pollutants can be solids, liquids, or gases, and can have local, regional, and global impacts. One form of air pollution is photochemical smog. "Smog" is a contraction of the words "smoke" and "fog," and was originally used to describe air pollution caused by coal burning in London. Urban smog is photochemical because many of the chemicals found in urban air are formed by chemical reactions driven by sunlight. Among the many air pollutants in urban smog that are produced by photochemical reactions, one of the most abundant is ozone, O3 . Ground level ozone and other photochemical pollutants are formed in urban atmospheres by the reactions of oxides of nitrogen (mainly NO and NO 2 ) in the presence of hydrocarbons. In CHE 133 we learned about combustion reactions. A combustion reaction is a type of redox reaction in which a combustible material combines with an oxidizer to form oxidized products and generate heat. In a combustion reaction oxygen combines with another compound to form carbon dioxide and water. Oxides of nitrogen are byproducts of combustion processes. At the high temperatures generated during combustion, some of the N 2 and O 2 in air is converted to oxides of nitrogen and the higher the combustion temperature is, the greater are the amounts of oxides of nitrogen produced. These hydrocarbons and oxides of nitrogen participate in reactions that yield ozone and other pollutants which accumulate in fine particles suspended in the atmosphere. Although many of these constituents of photochemical smog have

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