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Earth Vocab


Submitted By andreaahaa
Words 1361
Pages 6
Chp 1

aphelion 遠日點 perihelion 近日點 asteroid 小行星 comet 彗星 gravity 引力 orbit 軌跡 inertia 慣性 elliptical;ellipsoid 橢圓 spin 旋轉 exaggerate 誇大 cast 投射 geoid 地球形體 pillar 柱 revolve around 環繞 longitude 經度 meridian 子午線 prime meridian 本初子午線 time zone 時區 revolution 公轉 solstice 至 equinox 分 temperate 穩定 ripen 成熟 deciduous 落葉性的 vernal 春季的 latitude 緯度

Solar system:
(Dwarf planet) 矮行星
Pluto 冥王星
(Outer planets)
Neptune 海王星
Uranus 天王星
Saturn 土星
Jupiter 木星
(Inner planets)
Mars 火星
Earth 地球
Venus 金星
Mercury 水星

gas giant 氣體巨行星 terrestrial 類地行星的 chromosphere 色球層 photosphere 光球 corona 日冕 nuclear fusion 原子核融合 hydrogen 氫 helium 氦 radiative zone 輻射層 radiate 傳導 churning 攪動的 agitated 激烈的 prominences 日珥 atoms 原子 molecules 分子 solar flare 閃焰 nuclei 原子核 fusion reaction 融合反應 proton 質子 neutron 中子 positron 正電子 neutrino 微中子 ultraviolet 紫外線 infrared 紅外線 radio waves 無線電波 fuse 融合 electromagnetic 電磁波譜 comprise 包含 resemble 相似 radiant heat 輻射熱 radiant energy 輻射能 barycenter 重心 center of mass 質心 cogwheel 齒輪

lunar seas(lunar mare) 月海:
Mare Frigoris(sea of cold) 冷海
Mare Imbrium(sea of showers) 雨海
Mare Serenitatis(sea of serenity) 澄海
Mare Vaporum(sea of vapors) 汽海
Mare Tranquillitatis(sea of tranquility) 靜海
Mare Crisium(sea of crises) 危海
Mare Fecunditatis(sea of Fertility) 豐海
Mare Nectaris(sea of nectar) 酒海
Mare Nubium(sea of clouds) 雲海
Mare Humorum(sea of moisture) 濕海
Oceanus Procellarum(ocean of storms) 風暴洋 lunar craters 環形山:
Copernicus 哥白尼
Kepler 開普勒
Tycho 第谷
Clavius 克拉烏
Plato 柏拉圖
Ptolemaeus 托勒密

basalt 玄武岩 boulder 巨石 regolith 風化層 plain 平原 debris 碎片 asteroid impacts 小行星間的撞擊 fault scarp 斷層崖 crater chain 鏈坑 wrinkle ridge 皺脊 linear rille 月溪 solar eclipses 日蝕 partial eclipse 日偏蝕 perigee 近地點 apogee 遠地點 umbra 本影 penumbra 半影 blot out 遮 bent 彎 magnetic field 磁場 metallic core 金屬蕊 dynamo effect 發電 immense 巨大 goemagnetic 地磁氣的 needles 指針 subsurface 表面以下 magnetosphere 磁層 aurora 極光 cosmic ray 宇宙線 solar wind 太陽風 ion 離子 hypothetical 假設的 bow shock wave 弓形震波 upwind 逆風;迎風 downwind 順風 magnetopause 磁層頂 meteors 流星 geminid 雙子座 perseid 英仙座 quadrantid 象限儀座 sporadic 偶爾 emanate 來自 constellation 星座 lyrids 天琴座 eta aquarids;delta aquarids 寶瓶 orionids 獵戶座 taurids 金牛座 leonids 獅子座 ursids 小熊座 bolide 火流星 meteorite 隕石 lump 塊 originate 引起 glow 發光;熱 gouge 挖 meteorite crater 隕石坑 punching 衝出 burrow 挖洞 electron 電子 nucleosynthesis 核聚變 teem with 盛產 stellar nucleosynthesis 星形的核合成 spectroscopy 光譜學 spectrum 光譜 make-up 構成 interstellar gas cloud 星際雲 gave rise to 引起 derive 提取 lithium 鋰 neon 氖 silicon 硅 scandium 鈧 lead 鉛 bismuth 鉍 thorium 釷 uranium 鈾

Chp 2

stratum 岩層 superposition 重疊 laid down 下降 stacked 整齊堆起 subsequently 後來 creased 摺起 unconformity 不整合 disconformity 二平行地層 angular unconformity 角度不整合 nonconformity 不一致 overlying _(:(」∠)_ boundary 分界線 bare 暴露 successive 連續 dike 岩脈 sill 岩床 igneous rock 火成岩 sedimentary rock 沉積岩 metamorphic rock 變質岩 granite 花崗岩 limestone 石灰岩 sandstone 砂岩 shale 頁岩 intrusion 侵入 inserted 插入 paleomagnetic dating 古地磁年齡測定 polarity 兩極 polarization 極化 geologic time 地質年代 magnetic pole 磁極 alignment 排列 magnetized 磁性 hematite 赤鐵礦 magnetite 磁鐵礦 cast 注模 mold 模 hollow 空心 permeate 滲入 carbonaceous 含炭的 fine-grained 細密紋理 pear 泥炭 permafrost 永久凍土 burrow 洞穴 coprolite 糞化石 rot 腐化 mud 泥土 fossilized 石化 invertebrate 無脊椎 correlation 相互關係 dating 鑑定年代 worn away 磨損 inverted 倒轉 proto- 原始
Eohippus 始祖鳥
Hyracotherium 始祖馬 evolving 演變;形成 equivalent 等同

Tree of life: conifers 針葉樹 ferns 羊齒植物 horsetails 杉葉藻 club mossess 石松 liverworts 葉苔 mosses 苔蘚 algae 藻類 seaweeds 海草 fungi 真菌
Eubacteria 真細菌
Archaebacteria 古菌 protists 單細胞生物 segmented 分段的 mollusks 軟體動物 crustaceans 甲殼 myriapods 多足綱節肢 pterobranches 羽腮 sea squirts 海鞘 lancelets 蛞蝓魚 lampreys 七鰓鰻 cartilaginous fish 軟骨魚 bony fish 硬骨魚 amphibians 兩棲類

Marine fossils: sponges 多孔動物 bryozoans 苔蘚 brachiopods 腕足動物 pelacypods 雙殼類 gastropods 腹足動物 nautiloids 鸚鵡螺類 ammonoids 菊石 belemnites 箭石 trilobites 三葉蟲 ostracods 介形蟲 crinoids 海百合 sea urchins 海膽 graptolites 筆石

Evolutionary clocks 進化鍾 hominid 靈長類的 primates 靈長目動物 archosaurian reptiles 主龍類 bivalves 雙殼貝類 tabulate corals 床板珊瑚 reef-forming stromalolites 礁疊層石 archeocyathids 古杯動物 prehistoric 史前 abrupt 突然 contraction 收縮 paleontologist 古生物學家 wipe out 去除 ecological niches 生態位 genera 屬

Geologic time
Hadean eon 冥古宙
Archean eon 太古宙
Proterozoic eon 元古宙
Phanerozoic eon 顯生宙
Paleozoic era 古生代
Cryogenian 成冰紀
Ediacaran 埃迪卡拉紀
Cambrian 寒武紀
Ordovician 奧陶紀
Silurian 希留利亞紀
Devonian 泥盆紀
Carboniferous 石炭紀
Permian 二疊紀
Mesozoic era 中生代
Triassic 三疊紀
Jurassic 侏羅紀
Cretaceous 白堊紀
Cenozoic era 新生代
Paleogene or Early Tertiary 古近紀;早第三紀
Paleocene 古新世
Eocena 始新世
Oligocene 漸新世
Neogene or Late tertiary 新近紀;晚第三紀
Miocene 中新世
Pliocene 上新世
Quaternary 第四紀
Pleistocene 更新世
Holocene(Recent) 全新世

microcontinents 微大陸 primal 最初 bulge 鼓起 greenstone 綠岩 craton 穩定板塊;大陸核心 primeval 太古 scum 浮渣 subduction 潛沒 drifting 飄流 rifting 裂開 ice sheet 大冰原 coalesce 接合 wore down 削弱 shrank 收縮 wax and wane 興衰
Burgress shale 伯吉斯頁岩 orogeny 造山運動 chunks 塊 archipelago 群島 sprouted 冒出 slab 平板;厚板 struck 碰擊 closure 關閉
Lapetur Ocean 巨神海
Laurentia 第倫大陸
Baltica 波羅地大陸 thrust up 長出
Appalachian 阿巴拉契亞 teemed 充滿 flourished 繁盛 apace 飛快 diversifying 多元化 forerunners 前兆 straddled 橫跨
Pangaea 盤古大陸 tropics 熱帶 swampy land 沼澤 creatures 動物 coal measure 煤系 composed of 組成 skeleton 骨骼 cartilage 軟骨 jammed 擠擁 invaded 湧入
Atlantic Ocean 大西洋 derived from 源自 bisected 分開 persisted 繼續存在 drained away 排去 primitive 早期 waned 逐漸變小 placental 胎盤的 shed 剝落 intermontane 山脈間的 basin 盆地 shoreline 海岸線 grazing 放牧 browsing 吃草 roamed 流浪
Cascade Range 喀斯喀特山脈 strip 帶 evolved 演變 glacial 冰期 interglacial 間冰期
Great Lakes 北美五大湖
Gulf of Mexico 墨西哥灣 retreat 後退

Organisms and life-forms:

(Proterozoic eron) cyanobacteria 藍菌 green alga 綠藻 multicellular 多細胞生物 sponge 多孔動物 pre-arthropod 前節肢動物 coelenterate 腔腸動物
Pterudinium 埃迪卡拉紀化石的一種形式,學名不明

(Phanerozoic eon) arthropod 節肢動物 amphibrian 兩棲類動物 mammal 哺乳動物 fish 魚類 bird 鳥類 land plant 陸生植物 reptile 爬行動物

(Cambrian period) annelid worm 環節蟲 coelenterate 腔腸;刺胞動物 trilobite 三葉蟲 mollusk 軟體動物 lancelet 蛞蝓魚 onychophoran 有爪動物 jawless fish 無頜魚

(Ordovician period) coelenterate 腔腸動物(e.g.jellyfish 水母, coral polyps 珊瑚蟲) mollusks 軟體動物 echinoderms 棘皮動物(e.g.sea urchins 海膽, starfish 海星) arthropod 節肢動物 brachiopod 腕足類動物 graptolite 筆石 trilobites 三葉蟲 bivalve 貝類(e.g.clams 蜆,oysters 蠔) gastropods 腹足綱(e.g.whelks海螺,limpets帽目) cephalopods 頭足類動物(e.g.straight-shelled nautiloids 鸚鵡螺,octopus 八爪魚, squid烏賊)

(Silurian period)
Early land plant crinoid 海百合 early scorpion 早期蝎子 sea scorpion cephalopod 頭足類動物 jawless fish reef-building solitary單獨 corals acanthodians 棘魚綱 placoderms 盾皮魚綱 millipedes 馬陸(千足蟲)

(Devonian period) fern ancestor 蕨類(羊齒類植物( shark cephalopod 頭足類 early insect early amphibian bony(osteichthyan) fish 硬骨魚 arachnids 蛛形綱

(Mississippian period)
Giant club moss 石松綱 lobe-finned bony fish 肉鰭魚 brachiopod 腕足動物 bryozoan 苔蘚動物 amphibian crinoid

(Pennsylvanian period) cordaites tree 科達樹 acanthodian 棘魚綱 early reptile amphibian chondrichthyan(e.g.shark) 軟骨魚
Proto-dragonfly 原始蜻蜓 horsetails 木賊 giant club moss

(Permian period)
Conifer 針葉樹 cockroach carnivorous synapsid 肉食合弓綱 amphibian bony fish herbivorous synapsid 草食合弓綱

(Triassic period) lycopsid 石松門 cycad 蘇鐵屬植物 early mammal (shrewlike鼩鼱 proto-mammals) theropod dinosaur 獸腳恐龍 turtle crocidilian 鱷魚 prosauropod dinosaur 蜥腳恐龍 lchthyosaur 魚龍 therapsid 獸孔目

(Jurassic period)
Cycadeoid 擬蘇鐵目 pterosaur 翼龍 early bird ornithischian dinosaur 鳥臀恐龍 sauropod dinosaur 蜥腳下目恐龍 cephalopod 頭足綱 plesiosaur 蛇頸龍

(Cretaceous period) flowering tree horned dinosaur 有角恐龍 crablike arthropod 蟹狀節肢動物 pterosaur 翼龍 plesiosaur 蛇頸龍 toothed bird 有齒雀鳥 theropod dinosaur 獸腳亞目恐龍 insectivorous mammal 食蟲哺乳動物

(Paleocene epoch) odd-toed ungulate 奇蹄目(,hippopotamus) pantodont 全齒目 dermopteran 皮翼目 condylarth 踝節目 rodent 嚙齒目 primate 靈長目
Early hoofed mammal 早期蹄形哺乳動物 flesh-eating creodonts 肉齒目 squirrel-like primates 松鼠形靈長目

(Eocene epoch)
Dinocerate 恐角目 odd-toed ungulate early carnivore 早期肉食動物 flightless bird proboscidean 長鼻目 whale Sea cow 海象
hoofed mammals(e.g.ungainly笨拙的 dinocerates恐角目,early horses,tapirs貘,rhinoceroses犀牛)

(Oligocene epoch) brontothere 雷獸科 embrithopod 重腳目 swift 雨燕 creodont 肉齒目 giant rhinoceros 巨犀牛 even-hoofed ungulate 偶蹄目 pyrothere 焦獸目 primate (Miocene epoch) seal 海豹 primate deinothere 恐象 hippopotamus hyena 鬣狗科 platypus 鴨嘴獸 flightless bird chalicothere 爪獸科 horses oreodonts 高齒羊 rhinoceroses 犀牛 pronghorns 叉角羚 camels 駱駝 protoceratids 原角鹿 bear dogs 犬熊 saber-toothed cats 劍齒虎

(Pliocene epoch)
litoptern hare vulture even-toed ungulate marsupicarnivore (Pleistocene epoch)
Brown bear 棕熊
Woolly mammoth 真猛瑪象 giant deer 大角鹿 giant sloth 大地懶 sabertooth cat 劍齒虎 kangaroo 袋鼠 giraffid 長頸鹿科 woolly rhinoceros 披毛犀 horses camels tapirs 貘 mastodonts 乳齒象 mammoths 猛瑪象 dogs homo sapiens 智人

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Planet Trojan X

...Planet Trojan X is approximately 110,546,002 Miles from the sun. Trojan X is very much similar to desert regions on earth with some exceptions. Such as instead of there being climate region changes, the entire planet has the same climate. Since the entire planet has the same climate type there was not much pressure on choosing the location to settle. There were a few things that proved to be necessary though such as a reliable water source and good food source nearby. We had found a great water source with an even greater wildlife and food source nearby. The timespan between night and day is very similar to earth’s timeframe with a few exceptions. Daytime lasts for only 8 hours and nighttime last for an average time of 16 hours due to the position of the planets in between Trojan X and the sun. In the region that we settled in there is a constant breeze that occurs, but on some nights there is a greater breeze that comes through and lowers the temperature drastically. Much like how the temperature in deserts on earth would be. It is very often that it rains on this hemisphere but that doesn’t mean it never rains. There is a timespan from where we will go 12 months with no rain and then the other twelve months of almost constant rain which makes crops a bit of a hassle for half the year. With the majority of Trojan X being a desert planet, there is an overabundance of sand. There are quite a bit of mountains a wild plants growing on them but over all its almost all sand. ...

Words: 744 - Pages: 3

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...Link: Last week we reached a significant point when the number of people on the planet reached 7 billion. It's a big number and it's going to get bigger still. Matt finds out what it could mean for you. CLOSE TRANSCRIPT KID 1: Seven billion. KID 2: Seven billion. KID 3: Seven billion. KID 4: Seven billion. KID 5: Seven billion people. That's how many of us are living on this planet. If we were to all link hands we could wrap around the world 175 times. We could even reach to the moon and back eighteen times. The number of people on our planet is increasing all the time. MATTHEW HOLBROOK, REPORTER: Imagine this grain of rice is one new person added to the planet. And each day our world's population grows by this much. That's 200,000 extra people in a single day. It's a huge number, but it's only in recent history that our population's really taken off. At first, the world grew really slowly. Scientists reckon it took tens of thousands of years to reach the million mark. Over time, things started to speed up. So in the past few years you can see there's been huge growth in a short space of time. That growth is likely to continue towards ten billion by the end of the century. So why is our population getting so high? Well, we have better healthcare and hygiene now than in the past. We've learnt to deal with some dangerous diseases, and more of us are living longer. Australia is growing, too. In the last 50 years our population...

Words: 555 - Pages: 3

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Wabash Watershed

...Watershed Rhonda Seals Excelsior Wabash Watershed Global warming affects all of us. This is not just a "them" thing, or a "they" thing. Everyone on the planet needs to be aware of the consequences of their actions in contributing to global warming or as most people know it, The Green House Effect. Mankind has been contributing to this since the beginning of time in one way or another. Granted, we are doing more damage now than we did 100 years ago, but nonetheless, damage has been done. The proof is the average global temperature increasing expeditiously. "Data gathered from surface weather stations, ships, buoys, balloons, satellites, ice cores, and other paleoclimatological sources indicate that the climate of Earth is becoming warmer." (Hess, 2011, p.91) "Over the twentieth century, average global temperatures increased by more than 0.7°C (1.3°F)." (Hess) This is a remarkable statement, which even the most skeptic person cannot dismiss or ignore. "The increase in greenhouse gas concentration has been accompanied by a slight, yet nonetheless measurable, increase in average global temperature, raising the likelihood that humans are altering the global energy balance of the atmosphere. This important issue generally referred to as global warming". (Hess) Some of the data that scientist, biologist, geographers, and others use in determining the actual effects of global warming are temperature changes, precipitation, evapotranspiration, moisture...

Words: 2080 - Pages: 9

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Global Warming

...the term is most often used to refer to the warming predicted to occur as a result of increased emissions of greenhouse gases. Primary greenhouse gases include water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and ozone . Carbon dioxide, as well as other greenhouse gases, is a very important factor in the vital cycles which sustain life on this planet, plants use carbon dioxide in photosynthesis and release oxygen necessary to maintain the lives of animal species, who through exhaling return carbon dioxide in atmosphere, completing the cycle .Greenhouse effect is a natural process which made life on Earth feasible. Our planet's surface temperature would have been 33 degrees Celsius cooler, -18 C instead of present 15 C, if not for naturally occurring greenhouse gases . The temperature of Earth's atmosphere is regulated by a process in which the quantity of energy Earth gets from the Sun is poised by the amount returned back into space. Greenhouse gases in atmosphere let the energy in and prevent it from escaping, directing it back to Earth's surface . By the greenhouse effect, in the discussions of the global warming and other environmental problems, people mean "the enhanced effect which is caused by the increase of greenhouse gases from human sources” . Science brings different theories about the primary causes of the global warming of atmosphere. Eventually, the processes that happen in the environment are so complex even on local scale, that analyzing causes and...

Words: 2376 - Pages: 10

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The Solar System

...astronomical objects bound to it by gravity, all of which formed from the collapse of a giant molecular cloud approximately 4.6 billion years ago. Of the many objects that orbit the Sun, most of the mass is contained within eight relatively solitary planets whose orbits are almost circular and lie within a nearly flat disc called the ecliptic plane. THE SUN The Sun is the most prominent feature in our solar system. It is the largest object and contains approximately 98% of the total solar system mass. Did you know? The Sun is big enough to hold over 1 million Earths. Many rituals and monuments are devoted to worshipping the Sun and/or marking important times in the Earth's orbit around the Sun. Mercury * Moon * No satellite * Giovanni Zupi * Has magnetic field * Mariner 10 * Revolution: 88 days * Rotation: 59 days Venus * Earth * No satellite * Galileo Galilei * No magnetic field * Mariner 2 * Revolution : 224.7 days * Rotation : 243 or (242 days) Mercury * Roman messenger of the gods * Smallest planet * Shortest year * Core: iron * Mantle: silicates * Crust: cratered terrain from meteors and small comets. Venus * Roman goddess of beauty * Hottest planet * Longest day * Core: iron and nickel * Mantle: unknown composition * Crust: Silicious rocks Mercury * Caloris Basin -largest crater * The sky of...

Words: 2153 - Pages: 9

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...Khan Respected Rajesh Sir Nitisha Bhandari Pranjali Kanel Princy Paneru 8 g1 Galaxy Public School Environmental degradation-  Are the deterioration of the environment through depletion of resources such as air, water and soil; the destruction of ecosystems and the extinction of wildlife. It is defined as any change or disturbance to the environment perceived to be deleterious or undesirable. Environmental degradation is of many types. When natural habitats are destroyed or natural resources are depleted, environment is degraded. One major component of environmental degradation is the depletion of the resource of fresh water on Earth. Approximately only 2.5% of all of the water on Earth is fresh water, with the rest being salt water. Water scarcity is an increasing problem due to many foreseen issues in the future, including population growth, increased urbanization, higher standards of living, and climate change. Climate change affects the Earth’s water supply in a large number of ways. It is predicted that the mean global temperature will rise in the coming years due to a number of forces affecting the climate, the amount of atmospheric CO2 will rise, and both of these will influence water resources; evaporation depends strongly on temperature and moisture availability, which can ultimately affect the amount of water available to replenish groundwater supplies. An increased population means increased...

Words: 337 - Pages: 2