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Ebola Essay


Submitted By t73crawford
Words 352
Pages 2
Ebola Drugs Raise Ethical Questions

Even though this may seem to be an ethical issue of administering unproven drugs to treat the ebola outbreak I think pharmaceutical firms should be allowed to test unproven drugs on sick ebola patients. This would be the best way to find out if the experimental drug actually works against the ebola virus. The only dilemma would be if the patient that would be receiving this experimental drug would be able to understand the consequences and make a decision on whether they would like to be administered the drug knowing that there may be a possibility that it may not work at all. I think all pharmaceutical firms should be allowed to “be in this game” even if they know that if a drug is found that proves helpful it could mean big profits for the firm who brings it to market first. The only reason why I say this would be because the process of developing a new medicine can often be a complicated and long process the more pharmaceutical companies doing research to contribute to the development of a new medicine would be beneficial in getting a drug that works out to the public hopefully sooner than later. I’m not exactly sure what amount would be sufficient enough for the government to grant pharmaceutical companies to develop a drug for ebola. However I would think to start maybe $1 billion to help do research and develop a drug may be good. Even though we ultimately want a

drug for ebola there should also be some money used to improve the infrastructure of the healthcare industry in the countries with the ebola outbreak. I don’t believe the same amount should be used but a portion to have better ways to quarantine the sick in better facilities and educate the healthcare workers on how to protect themselves from potentially catching the virus with proper training. Also maybe more supplies such as masks, gloves

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