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Submitted By jmr0826
Words 690
Pages 3
Dixie’s Life was full. Not full of things or possessions… but full of family and friends and people that she loved very much. Myself and my family… we were blessed to be a part of that love.

We all know that Dixie has been a dedicated wife, a devoted mother, a loving nonnie and an amazing friend.

The truth is, Dixie was a very special person. She was one of those rare people that you meet in your life that makes an impact because of her unending kindness and generosity. But she was fun too. She was quick with a laugh and had a feistiness for life

As neighbors, we have shared so many laughs and good times throughout the years. I don’t know how it is in your neighborhood, but on our end of the Boeger block, Dixie and I looked forward to the warm weather. We looked forward to feeling the soil between our fingers with the planting of the spring flowers. We looked forward to calling over the fence – “Morning Neighbor!” as we did our chores. We loved the end of the day chats in the driveway – catching up on whatever the event was for the day that amused us. And we loved to lay back with a big ol’e margarita or glass of red wine to chat and laugh and share our worries or our dreams and our hopes.

A couple of nights ago, Julie reminded me of a great day we shared. A few summers ago, when Angel’s girls were younger – they had a small wading pool in the back yard. It was one of those summer’s where it was 90 plus degrees days in and days out. I don’t recall where the kids were, but I distinctly remember Dixie, Julie Ann, Pal and I sitting in that pool all afternoon with the white plastic chairs in the water drinking pitchers of fresh peach margarita’s and laughing She would say…These are delicious I think I’ll have one more – over and over again– I’m not sure I remember the evening of that particular day – but I know we got more than our fair share of the recommended fruit servings and the required daily fiber!

There are to many summer days to count, where we would all be outside doing our chores and putzing in the yard and there would be Dixie, sauntering down our driveway in a pair of shorts and a tank top with a twinkle in her eye and a glass of red wine in her hand and she’d say….Okay kids…its time to take a little break ….and we would sit and chat away the rest of the day.

One of things that I loved about Dixie was her sense of humor. She had a wit about her that was spontaneous and unexpected. She kept that sense of humor right up to the end. About three weeks ago, my husband and I were sitting in her kitchen on a late Saturday afternoon,. Tony was fixing her a meal, and we were all discussing the state of the economy and the rate of unemployment. During that conversation she casually announced that she was thinking about going back to work and was planning to make a career change. She looked at me and laughed and had that old twinkle in her eyes that I loved so much .

We consider ourselves fortunate to have had Dixie with us again this past Christmas eve. Our families have shared that Holiday together for many years. We will miss her laughter and her light and her wisdom at out holiday table. We will miss Dixie every day … but we will not ever forget her.

Dixie has moved on. She has gone to a better place were she can be free of all those physical burdens that so frustrated her over the past year.

She is watching over us all. We must find comfort in the knowledge that Dixie has gone home, gone home to dance with her husband, to be with her family in heaven and to start her new career. She has become an Angel.

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