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Eco Week 2


Submitted By rytaylor31
Words 932
Pages 4
Supply and Demand
Robin Taylor
June 15, 2012
Samuel Imarhiagbe

Supply and Demand
Supply and demand dictate how the economy runs. The simulation on supply and demand provided on the student website addresses supply and demand and how those concepts relate to both micro and macro economics. The summary to follow will identify these concepts and how their inter-workings affect many aspects of the economy on an individual and global basis.

The simulation highlights a neighborhood named Atlantis. Atlantis is described as a nice neighborhood with many amenities (University of Phoenix, 2012). The scenario in the simulation concerns a management company and the decisions they make involving two- bedroom rental units. The first decision the company must make is determining the rental rate to reduce vacancies and maximize revenue (University of Phoenix, 2012). This decision relates to microeconomics because its focus is on supply and demand. The company lowers the rent to increase demand for units and decrease the supply of vacant units.

The next scenario concerns concepts within macroeconomics because it addresses the larger picture of the entire building rather than a single unit. The management company has 2,500 available units. The company must decide on a rental price that will allow for expenses, including maintenance, to be covered by the rate. The company must ensure that the new rate is enough to cover expenses but not too much as to lower the demand for the units (University of Phoenix, 2012).

Shifts within the demand curve are also addressed in the simulation. This shift occurs when a new business moves into the neighborhood, which increases the demand for apartments (University of Phoenix, 2012). The quantity of apartments available is less than the original equilibrium, thus forcing the curve to shift to the right creating a market

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