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Submitted By popo19
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The Uniform Premaritial Agreement Act is a regulation that allows you to choose which jurisdiction your prenuptial agreement will fall in.If you do decide to fall under one of the selected jurisdictions that has adopted the act you will have provisions out there to resolve issuessuchs as estate planning, seperation of property, financial assets, alimony and support. Although the Act has been has introduced in Mississippi they have not adopted the Act.
In the state of Mississppi there are four requirements for a valid Prenuptial agreement.The agreement must be in writing. A prenuptial agreeement can never be an oral agreement.When the agreement is done it must be voluntary. If it is found out that any party was forced to sign the would become null and void. The agreement cannot leave one person destuite. in other words it cannot leave a person burdened or struggling. Lastly and most important the agreement must be notarized.
There are five rules that cam invalidate a prenuptial agreement. If the agreement is fraudulent.that means if a spouse withholds information and you find out it becomes invalid. If the agreement is coerced or you signed it under duress it may be invalid. The agreement may not be vaid if the paperwork isntdone properly. If you dontmake sure you dot your i's and cross your t's in could be considered invalid. You also need to make sure you are represented by two lawyers so they can make sure every think on your side is good. The prenup also cannot have ridicoulous ideas or expectations.For example abousoluetly no child support in the event of a divorce. I think prenuptial agreements should be compulsultory only in certain situations. For example if it is two youger adults and you havent established anything there is nothin that you can really put on a prenuptial agreement. Now lets say that the coupleold and more established or one may have a serious financial burden that you want to take on if you divorce. It may be beneficial for you to protect yourself. Statistics to 40 to 50 percent of marriageend in divorce. We all know that its not very romantic to plan a wedding but also be planning for a divorce but if you feel it is in your best interest then you need to have a prenuptial agreement.
They are some advantages and disadvantages when it comes to a prenuptial agreement. Some advantages its quite simple it is so you can protect yourself. If you have a property that you may want to keep to pass on to lets say a child you may want to protect it in a prenuptial agreement. A disadvantage is that it might put a ugly strain on the relationship. Your preparing for a divorce while planning a wedding.A good circumstance of getting a prenuptial agreement is when one party has outstanding debt like college loans or credit car debt you may wont to protect yourself from the debt carrying over to you.

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