Premium Essay

Effective Team


Submitted By jimmy95
Words 590
Pages 3
Effective team is defined as a group of people in a institution or company to work together effectively.The reason of this is that a group of people work together can achieve much more better than an individual of the team were working on their own.(wiseGEEK)(n.d.)

There are 3 model can be determine the effectiveness of a team that are context, team composition, and also team processes.

First of all, the factor that madam May May should advice to Julia is context.
Julia should be manage her team as a small team.This is because the team size will effects upon team conflict and problem.So that, the smaller the number of people in the team, the less will be the conflict, because everyone have their own opinions.If there are less member and it's easy to coordinate and collaborate team member, so that team leader can make a decision easily.In addiction, work in a small team is also can make sure all the member interact with each other in the working place.

Next, madam May May should advise Julia to provide adequate resources and to her team members.Julia should also provide moral support to her team members.For example, this support includes timely information, proper equipment, adequate staffing, encouragement, and administrative assistance and so on.

Besides that, Julia should encourage trust and cooperation among her team members.This is very important because it is very difficult to work together without the trust of teammates.Julia should be a proficient in listening manager to team member because they have to with learning style and a variety of personality.For example, when the team are begin to take shape,Julia should pay more attention to the ways in which team members work together and take action to improve the respect, trust, communication, cooperation in the relationship among teammates.

Madam May May must also advise to Julia that she should

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