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Elements of Religion


Submitted By radley44
Words 705
Pages 3
Elements of Religious Traditions
REL 134
June 14, 2013
Professor Don Peavy Sr.
Elements of Religious Traditions

Elements of Religion are broad within one perspective with an organized collection of beliefs with different meanings. Depending on one’s religious beliefs one will transcend its beliefs within its own supernatural power. There is no difference between natural and supernatural and between the human and nonhuman (Molloy, 2010). The practice of religion can be the beliefs of Buddhism, which their beliefs are the Buddha. Christianity worship God which their beliefs are that the creator is of the entire world. Muslims worship Muhammad which their beliefs are the prophet from God, and many more. For many centuries the practice of religion has transcended from generation to generation there are many practices that take place today. One’s relationship with the divine is the sacred power of understanding the different religions and how it impact our daily lives. “All religions are concerned with the deepest level of reality, and for most religions the core or origin of everything is sacred and mysterious”, (M. Molloy, 2010 Ch 2 pg. Three. In the earlier days man believed the natural occurrences of the universe for instance hurricanes, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and more. Ancient religion cultures were oriented during the seasons for instance the Hebrews distinguished a calendar. The Hebrew calendar marked different events one for instance is the time of Pasha, (death and resurrection) of Jesus Christ. During worship in today’s times sacred time is awareness of God’s presence with you. Scared time is building strength with Christ and understanding oneself from birth until death while living for Christ. As a child, and going into adulthood Sunday’s were family time. Everyone had to go to Sunday school, and attend

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